Lab 3: Zipf's Law and NGrams

Starter Code

Get the starter code on GitHub Classroom.


This lab has the following starter files:




You should also plan to create and submit a pdf version of your analysis, analysis.pdf. You should plan to do this using the file and pandoc; if you choose to use another tool to make your writeup, make sure to copy all the section headers from the Markdown file so you capture all questions. If you need help getting pandoc running on your own machine, you can refer to the Docker instructions for a way to use Docker to do this.


This week, we’ll get to use the spaCy python library for the first time. SpaCy is designed to make it easy to use pre-trained models to analyze very large sets of data. At the beginning of the semester, we’ll be using spaCy as a skeleton for building our own NLP algorithms. Later in the semester, you will be able to benefit from the built-in functionality to build larger systems without starting from scratch.

Zipf’s law

In this part of the lab, we will test Zipf’s law by using matplotlib, a 2D plotting library with a structure and style modeled after Matlab. Put your code for this part in

We are going to explore the relationship between the relative frequency of a token and the rank of that token. If you count all the tokens in carroll-alice.txt – like we did last week – we would say that "the" has rank of 1, "and" has rank of 2, "to" has a rank of 3, and so on, since this is the order that they appeared when we listed the tokens from most frequent to least frequent. We will use matplotlib to compare plot each token’s rank against its relative frequency.

Part 1a

(2/11/21) Yikes! Right now, spaCy isn't working on knuth, so if you use knuth instead of Docker to complete labs, you might run into some issues here. Instead, you'll use virtualenv (think of it as Docker "lite") to use a modified version of the server python installation. You can activate it by using the command

source /cs/cs159/tmp/python-virtualenvs/nlp/bin/activate

At this point, you should see (nlp) in your terminal prompt, which shows you're using the virtualenv. When you're done, you can turn the virtualenv off again with the command:


Instead of writing our own tokenization functions, we will use spaCy to do the tokenization. Pause now and read a bit about spaCy language processing pipelines.

For this part, we only want spaCy to tokenize our text, so we will set the pipeline to have no steps using the empty list, []. Since some of our documents will be long, but we’re not doing any memory-intensive processing, we will tell spaCy that it’s okay to load large documents all at once instead of a little bit at a time. To specify these instructions, add these lines to the top of your file:

from spacy.lang.en import English

nlp = English(pipeline=[], max_length=5000000)

Next, write a function called read_one(file_path) that takes the location of a file as its input, and that returns a Counter object representing all of the lowercased tokens in the corresponding text file.

Hint: You can get the Token objects in a spaCy document by iterating over a spaCy Doc object, e.g. using Python's loop syntax. You can get the text of a Token (as a string) using the .text attribute of the Token object.

Hint: The following is a standard Python way to open a latin1-encoded file with name filename as read-only ('r'). This is a nice alternative to having to call both open and close on a file.

with open(filename, 'r', encoding='latin1') as fp:

# do processing...

Next, write a function called read_all(dir_path, extension=None) that takes the location of a directory as its input, and returns a Counter object representing all of the text of all of the files in the corresponding directory whose file extention is extension. If extension is None, then read_all should include every file in the directory. For example, read_all("/cs/cs159/data/gutenberg", ".txt") should return a Counter that counts all of the tokens in all of the text files saved with the .txt extension in the /cs/cs159/data/gutenberg directory.

Hints: You will want to use the os.walk function to recursively search for files in the directory. You can get a file’s extension with os.path.splitext. It may also be helpful to know that two Counter objects can be added together to create a new Counter object!

Part 1b

Let f be the relative frequency of a word (e.g. if the occurs 1642 times out of 35652 tokens, then its relative frequency is 1642/35652 = 0.04606), and let r be the rank of that word.

To visualize the relationship between rank and frequency, we will create a log-log plot of r (on the x-axis) versus f (on the y-axis). For these plots, we will use the pylab library, part of matplotlib.

By default, matplotlib will try to open a window to display figures as soon as they’re created. That won’t work over ssh (unless you’re using window forwarding) or in Docker, but we can stop matplotlib from trying to open the plot in a new window by changing which backend it uses; that is, what it does with information about a plot once it's rendered. This needs to be done before we import pylab using the following incantation:

import matplotlib


from matplotlib import pylab

You will write a function called do_zipf_plot that takes two parameters:

  • A Counter object with the counts of words from one or more files.

  • A string label that can be used to title the figure.

The starter code includes two implemented functions that call do_zipf_plot:

  • plot_one, which calls read_one and do_zipf_plot to generate a visualization of data from one file, and

  • plot_all, which calls read_all and do_zipf_plot to generate a visualization of data from an entire directory.

Your do_zipf_plot function should start by creating a figure object:

fig = pylab.figure()

It should then use the Counter argument to create data in the right form for a call to pylab.loglog.

Be sure to label your axes and plot with xlabel, ylabel, and suptitle functions in pylab. Add a legend to the lower left of the plot (you can explore the pylab documentation for how to do this), and then save the resulting figure:



Before moving on, confirm that calling plot_one('carroll-alice.txt') generates a plot that matches the one below.

For Windows Users: If you're on Windows Subsystem for Linux, you might need to do some navigation to get to your image, e.g. by copying the image into your Windows-side Documents with a command like

cp zipf_carroll-alice.png /mnt/c/Users/<your username>/Documents

Alternately, if you have Visual Studio Code installed, you can run it inside your WSL instance (by running code . in the directory you're working in) to look at both the code and the images you generate at once!

Part 1c

Now we can test how well Zipf’s law works. Read Wikipedia’s article on Zipf’s law. In summary, Zipf’s law states that

or equivalently,

where f is the absolute frequency (count) of some word, r is the rank of that word, and k is some constant fixed across all word types in the vocabulary.

Following Zipf’s law, the 50th most common word should occur with three times the frequency of the 150th most common word.

Add to your do_zipf_plot function so that in addition to plotting the empirical rank vs frequency data, it also plots the expected values using Zipf’s law. For the constant k in the formulation of Zipf's law above, you should use

where T is the number of word tokens in the corpus, n is the number of word types in the corpus, and H(n) is the nth harmonic number. (Remember: the number of tokens is the total number of words in the document. The number of types is the total number of unique words in the corpus.)

Use this function to compute harmonic numbers. It’s included in your starter code:

def H_approx(n):


Returns an approximate value of n-th harmonic number.


# Euler-Mascheroni constant

gamma = 0.57721566490153286060651209008240243104215933593992

return gamma + math.log(n) + 0.5/n - 1./(12*n**2) + 1./(120*n**4)

To plot a second curve, you will add a second pylab.loglog(...) line after you plot the empirical frequency data. Be sure to label each data line so that your legend will be informative! Note that relative frequency should always be less than 1 (it's a fraction of the total tokens), so your y-axis should not exceed 1 = 10^0.


Answer the following questions in the corresponding parts of Be sure to include plots you get for each part within (here's some documentation on how to include images in pandoc) and to take time to justify your answers.

  1. Zipf’s Law and Alice: How well does Zipf’s law approximate the empirical data in carroll-alice.txt?

  2. Zipf’s Law and Other Texts: Repeat the previous question for a few other texts of your choice included in the /cs/cs159/data/gutenberg directory. Are the results consistent?

  3. Zipf’s Law and All Texts: Repeat the Zipf’s law experiment with all of the text from all of the files in /cs/cs159/data/gutenberg.

    1. How many tokens are in this new corpus?

    2. How does this plot compare with the plots from the smaller corpora?

  4. Zipf’s Law Discussion: Does Zipf’s law hold for each of the plots your made? What intuitions have you formed? Does the length of a document have an impact on how well it does or does not follow Zipf’s Law? What else do you notice?

  5. Zipf’s Law for Random Text: Generate synthetic (that is, "fake") random text by using random.choice("abcdefg... "), taking care to include the space character in your text. You will need to import random first. Use the string join command to accumulate your random characters into a (very) long string. Then tokenize this string, and generate the Zipf plot as before, and compare the plot to the ones you got from your non-synthetic English data. What do you make of Zipf’s Law in the light of this? (Source: Exercise 23b, Bird, Klein and Loper, 2009)


This week, we learned about the problem of sparsity, or how to handle 0’s in language modeling. If you were to train even a unigram language model on the fiction category of the Brown corpus and then try to calculate the probability of generating the editorial category, you’d end with a 0 probability: some words that occur in the editorial category simply don’t appear in the fiction category (e.g. “badge”).

In this part of the assignment, we’ll explore that problem in more depth.

You should put your code for this part in Add the same lines to the top of this file for working with spaCy that you have in your If you're on knuth, see the instructions above in 1a for activating a virtualenv.

Part 2a: Extracting data from XML files

A sample of the SemEval dataset for hyperpartisan news detection is in /cs/cs159/data/semeval. There’s a single XML file that contains all of the articles we’ll look at this week. (If you're not used to XML, it's a general-purpose markup language that looks syntactically similar to HTML code.) Each article has a hyperpartisan attribute that indicates whether is it an example of hyperpartisan news: true or false.

While we're only using a sample of this data, you may eventually want to use the full 3.6G dataset or another large XML file for your final project. Loading an XML file that big into memory is a recipe for trouble, though, so it’s best not to store the whole thing in memory at once if we can help it. Fortunately, the lxml library gives us a way to iteratively parse through an XML file, dealing with one node at a time. Here’s sample code that opens a file called myfile.xml and call a function called my_func on every article node:

from lxml import etree

fp = open("myfile.xml", "br")

for event, element in etree.iterparse(fp, tag=("article",)):



The starter code has a generator function called do_xml_parse() that uses lxml.etree to yield one node at a time. Look at that code and make sure you can explain how each line of it works before you move on.

Write a function called get_unigrams that takes as input a spaCy Doc(ument), and returns a list of all of the unigrams in the document. get_unigrams should also take an optional argument do_lower whose default value is True. That argument should determine whether the text of each token is lowercased before returning the unigrams. For all of the analysis in this lab, you should lowercase the tokens unless told otherwise.

Next, write a function called get_articles(args, attribute, value) that returns a Counter. get_articles will use do_xml_parse to iterate through all of the articles passed in via args.articles. For each article whose attribute attribute has the value value, it will call get_unigrams on the text of the article. For example, get_articles(args, 'hyperpartisan', 'true') will call get_unigrams once for every article whose hyperpartisan attribute is true.

Hint If you have an article element called article, you can access all of the text children of that element with article.itertext().

Hint: Some of the articles contain HTML entities that have been "escaped," or marked with special characters, to avoid interfering with the XML parsing. You can un-escape those by importing the html module and calling html.unescape on the articles’ text before creating your spaCy Docs.

Stop now and confirm that if you call get_articles on the semeval-sample.xml file for the case where hyperpartisan is set to true, you get the following counts:

the: 10631

california: 34

zero: 11

We are interested in knowing how many of the unigrams in one category of text (e.g., hyperpartisan='true') are not in another category of text (e.g., hyperpartisan='false'). Over the course of this assignment, you will explore several ways of grouping the text, so we’ll want to carefully organize our code for reusability. In the rest of this writeup, we’ll refer to the set of data we generate counts from as the training set, and the set of data that we check for zeros using those counts as the test set.

Write a function called compare(train_counter, test_counter, unique=False). The three arguments to compare should be:

  • train_counter: A Counter object representing counts from the training set

  • test_counter: A Counter object representing counts from the test set

  • unique: A boolean indicating whether to count tokens (unique=False) that don't show up in the training set or the distinct types (unique=True)

compare should return two numbers in a tuple:

  • The count of (tokens/types) in the test set that have a zero count in the training set

  • The total number of (tokens/types) in the test set

Confirm that if you call compare(Counter([1,2,3]), Counter([3,4,4]), unique=True) you get (1,2), and if you call compare(Counter([1,2,3]), Counter([3,4,4]), unique=False) you get (2,3).

The given code has a function called do_experiment that calls get_articles twice (once for the training data, once for the test data), and then prints the results from compare as a Markdown table. Read through that function now and make sure that you understand it, since you will add to it later in the lab.


  1. What percentage of the tokens that appear in the hyperpartisan (true) articles don’t appear in the neutral (false) articles?

  2. What percentage of tokens that appear in the neutral (false) articles don’t appear in the hyperpartisan (true) articles?

  3. What if you look at types instead of tokens?

  4. Are you surprised by these results? Why or why not?

Part 2b: Bigram analysis

What happens when you move to higher order n-gram models like bigrams and trigrams?

Write a function called get_bigrams that takes as input a spacy Document, and returns a list of all of the bigrams in the document.

Then, write a function called get_trigrams that takes as input a spacy Document, and returns a list of all of the trigrams in the document.

Hint: Don’t try to manually generate the bigrams and trigrams from scratch. Instead, use your get_unigrams function along with python’s built-in zip function to save yourself some code-writing!

Modify your get_articles function so that it returns a tuple with 3 items: a Counter of unigrams, a Counter of bigrams, and a Counter of trigrams. Then modify do_experiment so that it generates three table rows with statistics for not only unigram zeros, but also bigram and trigram zeros.

Questions. Note that each of these questions is interested in percentages, not raw counts. You should provide the table generated in do_experiment.

  1. What percentage of the bigrams (tokens, not types) that appear in the hyperpartisan-labeled articles don’t appear in the neutral-labeled articles? What percentage of the bigrams that appear in the neutral-labeled articles don’t appear in the hyperpartisan-labeled articles? Discuss these findings: are you surprised by these results? Why or why not?

  2. What percentage of the trigrams (tokens, not types) that appear in the hyperpartisan-labeled articles don’t appear in the neutral-labeled articles? What percentage of the trigrams that appear in the neutral-labeled articles don’t appear in the hyperpartisan-labeled articles? Discuss these findings: are you surprised by these results? Why or why not?

Part 2c: Train on equal-sized “chunks”

Instead of training on one category of articles and testing on another, suppose we break each of the categories in half. Then we could train on half of the hyperpartisan-labeled articles and half of the neutral-labeled articles, and test on the other half. This can help us calibrate our sense of how much of the effect we saw in the last part is actually connected to the labels (instead of just a natural property of having lots of text). This relates to a concept called a permutation test from statistics, a convenient way to reason about what a statistically significant result is when you don't have a clear indication of which probability distribution describes the variable you're interested in.

In the sample data you used above, each of the articles has an attribute randomchunk that assigns it to either chunk a or chunk b.

You shouldn’t need to write much (any!) code here. Instead of calling do_experiment for the hyperpartisan attribute, you can now call it with the randomchunk attribute.

  1. Try training on randomchunk=="a" and testing on randomchunk=="b". Then train on randomchunk=="b" and test on randomchunk=="a". How are your results different from the previous question? Why? Your writeup should include a table of your results, which you can generate with your expanded do_experiment function from above. Report percentages, not raw counts.

Evaluating a system in this way is called cross-validation: instead of having a specific "held out" test set, you split your training data into k equal-sized parts. Each piece then has one turn being the test set, while the other pieces are assembled together as the training set. In this case, since you are breaking your data into k=2 distinct test sets, you are performing 2-fold cross-validation.