How to Make Life Less Boring During COVID

By Fana Hagos

November 5, 2020

Photo by Elena Mozhvilo (Unsplash)

The Pandemic’s impact has affected people in many different ways, such as how to deal with boredom, anxiety, and depression. During the pandemic, many of us don’t know what to do, especially at the beginning of it. It was difficult to get used to staying home 24/7 without doing anything. According to CNBC, “Human beings are not great about endless time at home, not knowing what to do with yourself.”

There are a few things that we can do during the pandemic to make it less stressful, boring, and depressing. The first thing you can do is exercise. Take a walk in your neighborhood park, do some yoga, go for a hike or start a workout routine. Any kind of physical activity helps your brain refresh and relax, it also keeps you busy. Dr. John Ratey points out that in many ways, “Exercise is something we do for the brain, and the rest of the body benefits from the side effects.”

Another thing you can do is start new habits or learn something new. Explore some things you have always wanted to do but never really had the time to invest... you have a bunch of time now. Start some new routines, positive things, such as washing your car with your siblings.

During the pandemic, I kept myself busy because I didn’t want to be stressed by everything going on in the world. This lock-down time gave me the opportunity to get to know my family better and spend time with them. It started simple; Every evening, we gathered and played cards (UNO) and other games too. I was also able to improve my cooking skills by watching YouTube and reading online articles about cooking. Once or twice a week I went hiking at nearby places such as Lake 22 and Snow Lake to get fresh air and experience a change of scenery. Keeping myself busy helps me see the positive side of the pandemic and enjoy it.

There are other things you can do to keep yourself going during the pandemic. Cleaning your room and decorating, that’s super fun. Also, if you are in high school, searching for scholarships and looking for universities or colleges that might fit you. You could even work on that High School and Beyond Plan and try to figure out what you are going to do after graduation. Take advantage of this current pandemic and use the time you have right now, as you may never get this much again.

I saved this one for last since I know most people are already binging on Netflix. Sometimes we need to just kick back and chill. Pull up Netflix and try watching a comedy or some independent films which might just broaden your view and add new perspectives.

Whatever you do, do not forget to take care of yourself. With the coronavirus spreading so ferociously, I don’t think the US will have the Vaccine until 2021. As of the beginning of November, King County has 34,556 total cases and 855 deaths. In general, the US has 11.2 million total cases and 246k. So it is important now more than ever to keep practicing social distancing. wash your hands, and wear a mask wherever you go. You never know who’s life might be saved.