Helpful Links

tribal law and policy institute

A Native American operated non-profit corporation organized to design and deliver education, research, training, and technical assistance programs which promote the enhancement of justice in Indian country and the health, well-being, and culture of Native peoples.

national american indian court judges association

The National American Indian Court Judges Association (NAICJA) is a national voluntary association (non-profit corporation since 1969) of Tribal Court judges. The Association is primarily devoted to the support of American Indian and Alaska Native justice systems through education, information sharing, and advocacy. The mission of the Association, as a national membership organization, is to strengthen and enhance tribal justice systems.

center for court innovation

The Center for Court Innovation creates operating programs to test new ideas and solve problems, performs original research to determine what works (and what doesn't), and provides expert assistance to justice reformers around the world. Although not solely focused on Tribal Justice issues, the Center for Court Innovation is an excellent resource for practitioners looking for innovative approaches.

walking on common ground

Information for developing tribal-state-federal partnerships; includes information about Tribal Court-State Court Forums; helpful links on a variety of topics; sample forms and agreements

national indian law library

A blog covering current events in federal and tribal American Indian Law.

us department of justice

For training and technical assistance opportunities.

tribal law update

Information on grant opportunities, links to other federal resources for tribal courts

turtle talk

The leading blog on legal issues in Indian Country; includes news stories, Indian law update, grant announcements, and much more