Eighteenth Century & Romanticism Colloquium

NB: The Eighteenth-Century and Romanticism Colloquium is on hiatus until further notice.

Welcome to the English Department's colloquium in Eighteenth-Century and Romanticism studies. The colloquium is open to anyone, regardless of specialization or institutional affiliation. We meet about once or twice a month throughout the academic year. Our events include guest speakers, reading groups, and graduate student workshops.

Eighteenth Century/Romanticism Colloquium Coordinators

Many thanks to our past coordinators, whose work developed the colloquium into the vibrant collaborative space it is today: Matthew Ocheltree (2008-2011), Jacob Risinger (2010-2013), Julia Tejblum (2014-2016), Samuel Diener (2016-2017), Alex Creighton (2017-2019), Josephine Reece (2018-2020), Tommy Leonard-Roy (2019-2020), and Carly Yingst (2019-2021).

Mailing Lists and Newsletters

To receive emails about the Mahindra Humanities Center's Seminar on Eighteenth-Century Studies, please write one of the seminar chairs: Susan Lanser (lanser@brandeis.edu), Yoon Sun Lee (ylee@wellesley.edu), Deidre Lynch (deidrelynch@fas.harvard.edu), or Ruth Perry (rperry@mit.edu)