Encrypt AMI

① Click "Services", and click "EC2 (Virtual Servers in the Cloud)".

② Click "AMI" under "IMAGES".

③ Click "Owned by me" and then "Private images".

You should be able to see dpdash AMI listed on this page. If not, please email info@neuroinfo.org.

④ Click dpdash AMI and "Launch".

⑤ Click "t2.xlarge", and "Next: Configure Instance Details".

⑥ Click "Add Storage".

⑦ Click "Add Tags".

⑧ Click "Next: Configure Security Group".

⑨ Specify the following values:

  1. Security group name: dpdash
  2. Description: dpdash-security
  3. Rule with SSH type, TCP protocol, 22 port range, with source Custom and
  4. Rule with HTTPS type, TCP protocol, 443 port range, with source Custom and, ::/0

Click "Review and Launch" to continue.

⑩ Review your settings, and click "Launch".

⑪ Specify the following values:

  1. Create a new key pair
  2. Key pair name: dpdash

Click "Download Key Pair" and save your key somewhere safe.

Click "Launch Instances" to continue.

⑫ Click the instance id.

You should be able to see your instance listed on this page. Please wait until the "Instance State" is "running".

⑬ Click your instance, and click "Actions". Select "Create Image" under "Image".

⑭ Set your "Image name" and "Image description" as dpdash_secure.

Click "Create Image" to continue.

⑮ Click the link to your pending image.

You should now be able to see your dpdash_secure AMI on this page.

⑯ Click "Actions" and "Copy AMI".

⑰ Specify the following values:

  1. Destination region: (Please select the region you're currently in)
  2. Name: dpdash_secure_enc
  3. Encryption: checked

Click "Copy AMI" to continue.

⑱ Click "Done".

⑲ Congratulations! You have successfully encrypted your DPdash AMI.