Modify Hosted Zones

① Click "Services", and click "Route 53 (Scalable DNS and Domain Name Registration)".

② Click "Registered domains".

You should see your domain listed on this page. If not, please wait until your registration is complete.

③ Click "Hosted zones".

④ Choose the domain you created in section "1.2. Create a New DNS".

⑤ Click "Go to Record Sets".

⑥ Click "Create Record Set".

⑦ Specify the following values:

  1. Type: A
  2. Value: (The Elastic IP address you got in section "1.1. Allocate Elastic IP" step 6.)

To check the value of your Elastic IP, please go to section "1.1. Allocate Elastic IP", and follow steps from 1 to 3.

⑧ Click "Create".

⑨ Congratulations, you have successfully modified your hosted zones.

You have completed your environment setup.