Basic Ecology in lakes and ponds

Adaptation of planktonic organisms to environmental changes

Ecosystems in lakes and ponds are subject to a variety of environmental changes due to anthropogenic influences such as eutrophication and introduction of invasive fish, and natural influences such as distinct seasonal changes and extreme weathers. How do planktonic organisms respond to such changing environments? Adaptation to environmental changes is important for their survival. We are studying this research topic through field surveys and laboratory experiments.

Daphnia pulex

Field survey in lakes

Eco-evolutionary dynamics in microcosm

Organisms can adapt their traits in response to changes in environments by rapid evolution and phenotypic plasticity. Such adaptation should alter the way organisms interact with environments, leading to a feedback and linked dynamics between adaptation and ecology. We study this eco-evolutionary dynamics using planktonic organisms by combining laboratory experiments and theoretical modeling.

Planktonic ecosystem in microcosm

Applied Ecology for nature-based solutions

Assessing ecosystem services and their relations

Ecosystems and biodiversity provide a variety of benefits to human society. In order to ensure sustainable use of provisioning services such as food and fresh water, regulating services such as climate regulation and air and water purification, and cultural services such as recreation and healing, it is necessary to examine the impacts of human activities and ecosystem management. We adopt an interdisciplinary research approach to assess the present and future of the diverse ecosystem services provided by nature.

J-ADRES: Japan’s assessment of land use based on disaster risks and ecosystem services

Traditional ecological knowledge in socio-ecological systems

Ecosystems, biodiversity, human society and economy are closely linked in an integrated socio-ecological system. Using an interdisciplinary research approach, we study the role of traditional ecological knowledge in local ecosystem management and biodiversity conservation, and conversely, what local culture has been created through the interaction between nature and people.

Life and ecosystem services in Mikatagoko lakes, Fukui
Stone culture in Hira mountains, Shiga

Contributions to nature-based solutions/ecosystem-based approaches

We are engaged in the realization of disaster risk reduction that utilizes the diverse functions of ecosystems (Eco-DRR), as well as nature-based solutions that contributes to the realization of a sustainable society and economy by utilizing the diverse functions of nature. In collaboration with a wide variety of actors, including local residents and practitioners from the public and private sectors, we are taking a transdisciplinary approach to address these challenges on the ground.

Nature-based coastal defense in Mikatagoko lakes, Fukui

Open levee system for flood control and biodiversity conservation in Kitagawa river, Fukui