
72. Miyamoto K, Ehara H, Thaman R, Veitayaki J, Yoshida T & Kobayashi H (2021) Traditional knowledge of medicinal plants in Gau Island, Fiji: differences between sixteen villages with unique characteristics of cultural value. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 17:58 [DOI]

71. Miyamoto Y, Kanaya G, Taru M & Yoshida T (2021) Spatial changes in a macrozoobenthic community depend on restoration methods on historically squeezed coasts in a brackish lagoon. Ecological Research (online published) [DOI]

70. Shinohara N & Yoshida T (2021) Temporal changes of local and regional processes in the assembly of herbivorous insect communities. OIKOS 130:1626–1635 [DOI]

69. Huang W, Hashimoto S, Yoshida T, Saito O & Taki K (2021) A nature-based approach to mitigate flood risk and improve ecosystem services in Shiga, Japan. Ecosystem Services 50 (online published) [DOI]

68. Ogawa M, Soga M & Yoshida T (2021) Participation of diverse actors and usage of traditional and local knowledge in local biodiversity strategies and action plans of Japanese municipalities. Ecology and Society 26(3):26 [DOI]

67. Otake Y, Ohtsuki H, Urabe J, Yamada K & Yoshida T (2021) Long-term changes in morphological traits of Daphnia pulex in Lake Fukami-ike, Japan. Limnology 22:329–336 [DOI]

66. Kumagai J, Wakamatsu M, Hashimoto S, Saito O, Yoshida T, Yamakita Y, Hori K, Matsui T, Oguro M, Aiba M, Shibata R, Nakashizuka T & Managi S (2021) Natural capitals for nature’s contributions to people: the case of Japan. Sustainability Science (online published) [DOI]

65. Okui K, Sawada Y & Yoshida T (2021) “Wisdom of the elders” or “loss of experience” as a mechanism to explain the decline of traditional ecological knowledge: a case study in Awaji Island, Japan. Human Ecology 49:353–362 [DOI]

64. Kazama T, Urabe J, Yamamichi M, Tokita K, Yin X, Katano I, Doi H, Yoshida T & Hairston NGJr (2021) A unified framework for herbivore-to-producer biomass ratio reveals the relative influence of four ecological factors. Communications Biology 4:49. [DOI]

63. 黒田琴絵・小川みふゆ・吉田丈人(2021)人と自然および人と地域社会の心理的関係性とそれに影響する属性および習慣的要因:自然再生が進む地域の中学生を対象とした分析.日本生態学会誌 71:105-122 [DOI]

62. 井上奈津美・井上遠・松本斉・境優・吉田丈人・鷲谷いづみ(2021)奄美大島の亜熱帯照葉樹林における樹洞現存量と樹洞形成に関わる要因の評価:樹洞利用生物の保全のために.保全生態学研究 26:15-32 [DOI]

61. Otake Y, Otsuki H, Urabe J, Kimura S, Yamada K & Yoshida T (2020) Long-term dynamics of cladoceran community from an early stage of lake formation in Lake Fukami-ike, Japan. Ecology and Evolution 11:1240-1253 [DOI]

60. Shinohara N & Yoshida T (2020) Why species richness of plants and herbivorous insects do or do not correlate. Ecological Research 36:258-265 [DOI]

59. Kasada M & Yoshida T (2020) The timescale of environmental fluctuations determines the competitive advantages of phenotypic plasticity and rapid evolution. Population Ecology 62:385–394 [DOI]

58. Nagano M & Yoshida T (2020) Size-selective predation accounts for intra- and inter-specific variation of inducible morphological defense of Daphnia. Ecosphere 11(7):e03192 [DOI]

57. 富田涼都・ハスプロジェクト推進協議会・吉田丈人(2020)自然に対する多様な価値づけについての空間明示的な調査手法の開発-福井県三方五湖における「昔の水辺の風景画」募集の検討から-.野生生物と社会 8 : 5-24 [DOI]

56. 井上遠・松本麻依・吉田丈人・鷲谷いづみ(2019) 奄美大島におけるリュウキュウコノハズクOtus elegansの繁殖成功の空間パターンと森林景観要因. 日本鳥学会誌 68(1):19–28 [DOI]

55. Tomita R, Hasu Project & Yoshida T (2019) Sharing experiences and associated knowledge in the changing waterscape: an intergenerational sharing program in Mikatagoko area, Japan. In: Saito O (ed) Sharing ecosystem services: building more sustainable and resilient society. Springer. [DOI]

54. Yamada Y, Itagawa S, Yoshida T, Fukushima M, Ishi J, Nishigaki M & Ichinose T (2019) Predicting the distribution of released Oriental White Stork (Ciconia boyciana) in central Japan. Ecological Research 34:277–285 [DOI]

53. Otake Y, Kagami M, Kuriyama T & Yoshida T (2019) Spatial heterogeneity in induced defense of Brachionus calyciflorus within a single lake caused by the bed of floating-leaved macrophyte Trapa species. Limnology 20:29–38 [DOI]

52. Kagami M, Nishihiro J & Yoshida T (2019) Ecological and limnological bases for management of overgrown macrophytes: introduction to a special feature. Limnology 20:1-2 [DOI]

51. Yamamichi M, Kazama T, Tokita K, Katano I, Doi H, Yoshida T, Hairston NGJr & Urabe J (2018) A shady phytoplankton paradox: when phytoplankton increases under low light. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 285: 20181067 [DOI]

50. Kitagawa J, Kojima H, Yoshida T & Yasuda Y (2018) Adaptations of the early Jomon people in their settlement relocation to climate change around Lake Mikata, Central Japan. Archaeological Research in Asia 16:66-77 [DOI]

49. Chen I-C, Hsieh C, Kondoh K, Lin H-J, Miki T, Nakamura M, Ohgushi T, Urabe J & Yoshida T (2017) Filling the gaps in ecological studies of socio-ecological systems. Ecological Research 32:873–885 [DOI]

48. Suzuki K & Yoshida T (2015) Ecological resilience of population cycles: a dynamic perspective of regime shifts. Journal of Theoretical Biology 370:103-115 [DOI]

47. Nagano M, Yagi A, Yoshida T (2014) Seasonal pattern and inducing cue of diel vertical migration of Chaoborus flavicans in Lake Fukami-ike, Nagano, Japan. Ecological Research 30: 145-152 [DOI]

46. Kasada M, Yamamichi M, Yoshida T (2014) Form of an evolutionary tradeoff affects eco-evolutionary dynamics in a predator-prey system. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 111:16035-16040 [DOI]

45. Nishihiro J, Kato Y, Yoshida T, Washitani I (2014) Heterogeneous distribution of a floating-leaved plant, Trapa japonica, in Lake Mikata, Japan, is determined by limitations on seed dispersal and harmful salinity levels. Ecological Research 29: 981–989 [DOI]

44. Yamamichi M, Yoshida T, Sasaki A (2014) Timing and propagule size of invasion determine its success by a time-varying threshold of demographic regime shift. Ecology 95:2303-2315 [DOI]

43. Kaifu K, Maeda H, Yokouchi K, Sudo R, Miller MJ, Aoyama J, Yoshida T, Tsukamoto K, Washitani I (2014) Do Japanese eels recruit into the Japan Sea coast?: a case study in the Hayase River system, Fukui Japan. Environmental Biology of Fishes 97:921-928 [DOI]

42. Sugimoto R, Sato T, Yoshida T, Tominaga O (2014) Using stable nitrogen isotopes to evaluate the relative importance of external and internal nitrogen loadings on phytoplankton production in a shallow eutrophic lake (Lake Mikata, Japan). Limnology & Oceanography 59:37–47 [DOI]

41. Haruta S, Yoshida T, Aoi Y, Kaneko K, Futamata H (2013) Challenges for complex microbial ecosystems: combination of experimental approaches with mathematical modeling. Microbes and Environments 28:285-294 [DOI]

40.小島秀彰・海部健三・横内一樹・須藤竜介・吉田丈人・塚本勝巳・鷲谷いづみ(2012)福井県三方五湖-早瀬川水域におけるニホンウナギ Anguilla japonica 生息状況の歴史的変遷について. 動物考古学 29:1-18

39. Suzuki K & Yoshida T (2012) Non-random spatial coupling induces desynchronization, chaos and multistability in a predator-prey-resource system. Journal of Theoretical Biology 300:81-90 [DOI]

38. Yamamichi M, Yoshida T, Sasaki A (2011) Comparing the effects of rapid evolution and phenotypic plasticity on predator-prey dynamics. The American Naturalist 178:287-304 [DOI]

37. Matsuzaki SS, Terui A, Kodama K, Tada M, Yoshida T, Washitani I (2011) Influence of connectivity, habitat quality and invasive species on egg and larval distributions and local abundance of crucian carp in Japanese agricultural landscapes. Biological Conservation 144:2081-2087 [DOI]

36.松崎慎一郎・児玉晃治・照井 慧・武島弘彦・佐藤専寿・富永 修・前田英章・多田雅充・鷲谷いづみ・吉田丈人(2011)モニタリングデータと生態的特性から探る福井県三方湖流域の純淡水魚類相の変化とその要因. 保全生態学研究 16(2):205-212 [DOI]

35.松崎慎一郎・児玉晃司・武島弘彦・照井慧・増井増一・吉田丈人・鷲谷いづみ(2010) ラムサール条約登録湿地三方湖におけるブルーギルの侵入・定着. 魚類学雑誌 57:87-89

34. Jones LE, Becks L, Ellner SP, Hairston NGJr, Yoshida T, Fussmann GF (2009) Rapid contemporary evolution and clonal food web dynamics. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 364:1579-1591 [DOI]

33. Yoshida T, Goka K, Ishihama F, Ishihara M, Kudo S (2007) Biological invasion as natural experiment of evolutionary process: introduction of the special feature. Ecological Research (Special Feature) 22:849-854 [DOI]

32. Sekino T, Genkai-Kato M, Kawabata Z, Melnik NG, Logacheva NP, Belykh OI, Obolkina LA, Bondarenko NA, Khodzher TV, Gorbunova LA, Tanichev AI, Yoshida T, Kagami M, Gurung TB, Urabe J, Higashi M, Nakanishi M (2007) Role of phytoplankton size distribution in lake ecosystems revealed by a comparison of the whole plankton community structure between Lakes Baikal and Biwa. Limnolgy 8:227–232 [DOI]

31. Yoshida T, Ellner SP, Jones LE, Bohannan BJM, Lenski RE, Hairston NGJr (2007) Cryptic population dynamics: rapid evolution masks trophic interactions. PLoS Biology 5:1868-1879 [DOI]

30. Fussmann GF, Weithoff G, Yoshida T (2007) A direct, experimental test of resource- versus consumer-dependence: Reply to the Comment by Jensen et al. Ecology 88:1603-1604 [DOI]

29. Meyer JR, Ellner SP, Hairston NGJr, Jones LE, Yoshida T (2006) Prey evolution on the time scale of predator-prey dynamics revealed by allele-specific quantitative PCR. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 103:10690-10695 [DOI]

28. Kagami M, Gurung TB, Yoshida T, Urabe J (2006) To sink or to be lysed? : Contrasting fate of two large phytoplankton species in Lake Biwa. Limnology and Oceanography 51:2775-2786 [DOI]

27. Frost P, Benstead J, Cross W, Hillebrand H, Larson J, Xenopoulos M, Yoshida T (2006) Threshold elemental ratios of carbon and phosphorus in aquatic consumers. Ecology Letters 9: 774-779 [DOI]

26. Yoshida T (2006) Ecological stoichiometry and the shape of resource-based tradeoffs. OIKOS 112: 406-411 [DOI]

25. Yoshida T, Jones LE, Ellner SP, and Hairston NGJr (2006) Alternative mechanisms for consumer diversity. Nature 439: E1-2 [DOI]

24. Fussmann GF, Weithoff G, Yoshida T (2005) A direct, experimental test of resource- versus consumer-dependence. Ecology 86: 2924-2930 [DOI]

23. Hairston NGJr, Ellner SP, Geber MA, Yoshida T, Fox JA (2005) Rapid evolution and the convergence of ecological and evolutionary time. Ecology Letters 8: 1114-1127 [DOI]

22. Yoshida T (2005) Toward the understanding of complex population dynamics: planktonic community as a model system. Ecological Research 20: 511-518 [DOI]

21. Urabe J, Yoshida T, Gurung TB, Sekino T, Tsugeki N, Nozaki K, Maruo M, Nakayama E, Nakanishi M (2005) The production to respiration ratio and its implication in Lake Biwa, Japan. Ecological Research 20: 367-375 [DOI]

20. Moe J, Stelzer RS, Forman R, Harpole WS, Daufresne T, Yoshida T (2005) Recent advances in ecological stoichiometry: insights for population and community ecology. OIKOS 109: 29-39 (product of the WOODSTOICH 2004 workshop) [DOI]

19. Fussmann GF, Ellner SP, Hairston NGJr, Jones LE, Shertzer KW, Yoshida T (2005) Ecological and evolutionary dynamics of experimental plankton communities. Advances in Ecological Research 37: 221-243 [DOI]

18. Yoshida T, Ellner SP, Hairston NGJr (2004) Evolutionary tradeoff between defense against grazing and competitive ability in a simple unicellular alga, Chlorella vulgaris. Proceeding of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences 271: 1947-1953 [DOI]

17. Yoshida T, Urabe J, Elser JJ (2003) Assessment of 'top-down' and 'bottom-up' forces as determinants of rotifer distribution among lakes in Ontario, Canada. Ecological Research 18: 639-650 [DOI]

16. Makino W, Yoshida T, Sakano H, Ban S (2003) Stay cool: habitat selection of a cyclopoid copepod in a north temperate oligotrophic lake. Freshwater Biology 48: 1551-1562 [DOI]

15. Yoshida T, Jones LE, Ellner SP, Fussmann GF and Hairston NGJr (2003) Rapid evolution drives ecological dynamics in a predator-prey system. Nature 424: 303-306 [DOI]

14. Yoshida T, Skino T, Genkai-Kato M, Logacheva NP, Bondarenko NA, Kawabata Z, Khodzher TV, Melnik NG, Hino S, Nozaki K, Nishimura Y, Nagata T, Higashi M and Nakanishi M (2003) Seasonal dynamics of primary production in the pelagic zone of southern Lake Baikal. Limnology 4:53-62 [DOI]

13. Elser JJ, Kyle M, Makino W, Yoshida T, Urabe J (2003) Ecological stoichiometry in the microbial food web: a test of the light:nutrient hypothesis. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 31: 49-65 [DOI]

12. Urabe J, Kyle M, Makino W, Yoshida T, Andersen T and Elser JJ (2002) Reduced light increases herbivore production due to stoichiometric effects of light/nutrient balance. Ecology 83:619-627 [DOI]

11. Urabe J, Elser JJ, Kyle M, Yoshida T, Sekino T and Kawabata Z (2002) Herbivorous animals can mitigate unfavourable ratios of energy and material supplies by enhancing nutrient recycling. Ecology Letters 5:177-185 [DOI]

10. Genkai-Kato M, Sekino T, Yoshida T, Miyasaka H, Khodzher TV, Berykh OA, Melnik NG, Kawabata Z, Higashi M, and Nakanishi M (2002) Nutritional diagnosis of phytoplankton in Lake Baikal. Ecological Research 17: 135-142 [DOI]

9. Kagami M, Yoshida T, Gurung TB and Urabe J (2002) Direct and indirect effects of zooplankton on algal composition in in situ grazing experiments. Oecologia 133:356–363 [DOI]

8. Yoshida T, Kagami M, Gurung TB and Urabe J (2001) Seasonal succession of zooplankton in the north basin of Lake Biwa. Aquatic Ecology 35: 19-29 [DOI]

7. Yoshida T, Gurung TB, Kagami M and Urabe J (2001) Contrasting effects of Daphnia galeata (cladoceran) and Eodiaptomus japonicus (calanoid copepod) on algal and microbial plankton: an experimental study in Lake Biwa. Oecologia 129:602-610 [DOI]

6. Gurung TB, Kagami M, Yoshida T, Urabe J (2001) Relative importance of biotic and abiotic factors affecting bacterial abundance in Lake Biwa: an empirical analysis. Limnology 2:19-28 [DOI]

5. Yoshimizu C, Yoshida T, Nakanishi M and Urabe J (2001) Effects of zooplankton on the sinking flux of organic carbon in Lake Biwa. Limnology 2:37-43 [DOI]

4. Takano K, Ishikawa Y, Mikami H, Ban S, Yoshida T, Aono T, Imada K, Yasutomi R, Takeuchi K, Hino S (2001) Analysis of the change in dominant phytoplankton species in unstratified Lake Oshima-Ohnuma estimated by a bottle incubation experiment. Limnology 2: 29-35 [DOI]

3. Yoshida T, Ban S, Takenouchi T, Aono T, Ishikawa Y, Mikami H, Takano K, Imada K, Yasutomi R and Takeuchi K (2000) Top-down control of population dynamics of the dominant rotifers in two mesotrophic lakes in Hokkaido, Japan. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 148: 481-498 [DOI]

2. Urabe J, Gurung TB, Yoshida T, Sekino T, Nakanishi M, Maruo M and Nakayama E (2000) Diel changes in phagotrophy by Cryptomonas in Lake Biwa. Limnology and Oceanography 45: 1558-1563 [DOI]

1. Urabe J, Gurung TB and Yoshida T (1999) Effect of phosphorus supply on phagotrophy by the mixotrophic alga Uroglena americana (Chrysophyceae). Aquatic Microbial Ecology 18: 70-83 [DOI]