How to update Oracle Java

Since April 16, 2019, commercial use of Java provided by Oracle (Oracle JDK) became fee-based.

  • Most of the usage on our campus is for commercial use. If you need Java, please refer to the notice from UTokyo-CERT on the page [1] below.

[1] 2019/5/13 Important changes in Oracle JDK (Java) License (only in Japanese)

  • If you do not need Java, please refer to the following [2], [3] pages and uninstall it.

  • If you are unsure whether Java is installed on your computer, please use the tool on the page [4] below.

[2] How do I uninstall Java on my Windows computer?

[3] How do I uninstall Java on my Mac?

[4] Uninstall Java Versions

*On September 14, 2021, Oracle announced "Oracle No-Fee Terms and Conditions" (NFTC) license for JDK 17 and later.