How to backup e-mail data from MailSuite

The old mail hosting (MailSuite) will stop operating on 8/27 (Thursday). Please back up the necessary e-mail data on the old mail hosting by 8/26 (Wednesday).

<< How to backup e-mail data from MailSuite to local PC for the time being >>

  1. Login to MailSuite.

  2. Click [Folders] at the top left of the screen.

  3. Click the [Backup] button of the folder to back up.

  4. Save the created zip file locally on your PC. It is automatically named as ””(*1). It contains multiple .eml files. One .eml file is created for each e-mail.

<< How to read the above MailSuite backup data into Thunderbird >>

  1. On Thunderbird, create a folder (*2) with an appropriate name under ECCS Cloud Mail or a local folder on the PC.

  2. Select multiple [up to several hundred] eml files in *1.

  3. Drag and drop the selected range to *2.

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