Welcome Choir Families 2023-24!

We are so excited to start this school year with our Raider choir family.   We have many events and activities planned for this school year.  Please be sure to check the calendar for upcoming dates. The choir calendar will be updated when necessary and more details will be added as we go through the year, but please note the three seasonal concerts October 23rd, December 18th, and May 13th, all in our Fine Arts Center and all starting at 7:00 PM.   


Mark your calendar for our Super Saturday on August 19th.  In the morning we will have Get Fit Day, where students will be sized for their choir uniform.  This will take place in the choir room from 9:00 - 11:00 AM.  That afternoon we are Taking Over Denton Water Works with all choir students (and one guest). You are invited to join us for fun in the sun and water from 2:00 - 6:00 PM.  Student price is $10.  Please save the date with more information to follow.


We believe that travel is a very important part of education and we are excited about another planned trip for the Raider choir program.  More information will be available in the future, but the trip dates will be April 11-13.


We know that there is no better way for your student to improve their singing than to have a trained professional give one-on-one coaching.  Dr. Helen Reikofski and Gwynne Johnson have both taught lessons to our students.  If you are interested in private voice instruction for you student, please contact Mr. Rives to set up lessons.


Students who plan to audition for All-Region choir should contact Mr. Rives or Mx. Kats to be added to the list and receive more information.  The first audition is September 9th at Lewisville High School.


We have an incredible choir booster board led by president Laura Kinnaird.  Please read Laura's letter to choir parents regarding the booster club and the choir program and sign up to help with events and meals!


There will be a $60 activity fee for students enrolled in choir.  This fee helps pay for concert meals, choir shirt, special events, transportation costs, supplies, etc. Cash/check can be brought to the choir room.  Fee is due September 30th.  Online payments may be made via www.charmsoffice.com 


Requirements for letter jackets can be found here!

Please let Mr. Rives know if you are eligible to receive a letter jacket.

We are looking forward to a great year of singing and having fun! Thank you for letting us make music with your students. See you soon!

Mr. Rives and Mx. Kats