October 11th, 2024 

April 11th, 2024

(Click link to sign up)

The ASVAB Career Exploration Program includes an aptitude test and interest assessment.  The results are used to guide career exploration in designing a post-secondary plan that works for you.  

The ASVAB is offered free to Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors here at GHS and will be administered twice during the 2024-2025 school year: October 11th, 2024 and April 11, 2025.  If you would like to take the ASVAB but missed either administrations, there are still opportunities for you to take it, whether it's at MEPS or at the Denton recruiting station.  

Guyer High School is an "Option 8" school, meaning results of the ASVAB are only released to the school, not to military recruiters. If you are planning to enlist, you will need to bring your results with you to your recruiter, because they are not released to them from the school.

To sign up, click HERE, or email Mrs. Clouse, Career Counselor:

Additional information can be found HERE.