Christine Martin-Beutner 

“Mrs. B.” is blessed to be a native of the state of Iowa, where music has long been a vital part of public school education.  Born into a musical family, she counts her family’s support of her musical growth as the ticket to her success. A child prodigy on the flute and piccolo, she was also gifted with a big voice… but no one to teach her how to lasso and develop it in her early years. When auditioning for 7th grade choir, the choral director said (in front of upperclassmen), “Do us all a favor: stick to your flute and never sing again.” Which she did. For a while. 

At age 16, Christine began life changing vocal studies with Lois Larrabee (White Plains Opera), a beautiful pairing that flourished for over 40 years. Christine went on to excel in vocal as well as flute/piccolo performance.  The correct teacher can make all the difference!  


Mrs. B. has operated a vibrant private music studio teaching voice, flute, and piano for over 45 years.  Her 1000’s of students have grown in confidence as well as musical prowess. Many of her students have gone on to earn regional, state, and national placements, college scholarships, and many have embarked on their own successful careers in music.

Selected Career Highlights: 

Christine continues to actively perform as mezzo soprano/contralto, flutist/piccoloist, musical theater singer/actor/director, and clinician/conductor/director/adjudicator.

DENTON ISD Private Music Lessons with Mrs. B

Denton ISD students will have the opportunity to sign up to have a regularly scheduled private ½ hour lesson, occurring during their Choir (DHS) or Band (RHS) period. (Additional before or after school/Early Dismissal scheduling may be available as well. )  Lessons are given at the student’s campus (DHS, RHS).     

Per Denton ISD Private Lesson rules: 

MORE! Mrs. B is a member of Denton Music Teachers Association. Positive performance experience is offered through a series of mini concerts/recitals  throughout the school year. Information will be sent out in September.

Please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. B through text at 940 206 0695 or email at musicwithmrsb@gmail.com

Mrs. B is looking forward to helping each student grow in musical skill and confidence!