
Lunch Bunches

Food Resources 

Free Weekend Food for your Children!

Power Packs 380 are teaming up with Bell Elementary to offer a supply of nutritious meals and snacks for children over the weekends, free of charge. Any child enrolled in Bell Elementary who is enrolled in Free and Reduced Meals can receive these weekly bags of food.

Please complete the form if you are interested in receiving power packs bags for your children. These bags will be delivered discreetly by teachers on the last school day before a weekend or break. Food will be delivered in a single serving. Once your child is part of the program, he or she will receive bags of food each week until they leave school or until you no longer wish to participate. 

We encourage you to take advantage of this program for you and your family. 

Questions or concerns, please contact Mrs. Leatherman

Check In/Check Out

Dear Parent:

Your child has been recommended or identified to participate in a Check In and Check Out (CICO) intervention with Mrs. Leatherman. The session will be at a designated time that the teacher agrees on for 10 minutes. The Check In will be on Monday's. In those 10 minutes the student will work on coping strategies, behavior expectations, and create a weekly goal. At the end of the week there will be a Check Out on Friday's where we go over if they have met the goal and how they can meet it the following week. This intervention will go on until they have mastered creating goals, and meeting expectations.

If you give permission to allow your child to participate in this intervention, please sign and submit this form as soon as possible. If you have any questions or concerns, you may contact Mrs. Leatherman 972-347-7222. We are looking forward to a great year!