Los estudiantes de Denton ISD que han participado en el programa de lenguaje dual o que son hispanohablantes nativos o por herencia tienen la oportunidad de ganar créditos de español de la escuela preparatoria tomando un crédito por examen para la aceleración. Los estudiantes deben tomar el examen de español después de completar el 8° grado para que los créditos cuenten hacia el GPA sin ponderación de la escuela preparatoria. Denton ISD actualmente se asocia con Avant Stamp, que es una evaluación adaptativa. Esto significa que los estudiantes tienen la oportunidad de ganar créditos en español I, II, III y IV demostrando habilidad en el idioma español en escuchar, hablar, leer y escribir. Esto permitirá a los estudiantes ser colocados en el curso apropiado de español de la escuela preparatoria. Más información sobre los créditos de la escuela preparatoria a través del programa de lenguaje dual y español para hispanohablantes se puede encontrar en la Información del Programa de aceleración de español de Denton ISD
Requisito de puntuación de la prueba
Si el estudiante...
No tiene crédito previo de la escuela secundaria en español, entonces los estudiantes deben demostrar dominio del 80% o más en el curso por el que desean aceptar crédito.
Reprobó un crédito de español de la escuela secundaria entonces los estudiantes deben demostrar dominio del 70% o más en el curso que previamente no lograron obtener crédito.
Ha obtenido anteriormente crédito en español de escuela secundaria, entonces un crédito por puntuación de examen no puede ser utilizado para el curso que ya ha sido otorgado. Es decir, una vez que un estudiante ha obtenido crédito por un curso y una calificación aprobatoria ha sido registrada, la calificación en cualquier crédito por examen no puede ser utilizada para reemplazar la calificación registrada.
Opción de prueba 1
Lunes 2 de junio
9 a.m. o 12:30 p.m. hora de inicio
Strickland Middle School
Opción de prueba 2
Martes 3 de junio
9 a.m. o 12:30 p.m. hora de inicio
Escuela Preparatoria Braswell
Opción de prueba 3
Miércoles 4 de junio
9 a.m. o 12:30 p.m. hora de inicio
Strickland Middle School
Opción de prueba 4
Miércoles 5 de junio
9 a.m. o 12:30 p.m. hora de inicio
Guyer High School
Todas las pruebas de aceleración en español de CBE se llevarán a cabo en persona en los lugares de aplicación de pruebas designados.
Denton ISD students who have participated in the dual language program or who are native or heritage Spanish speakers have the opportunity to earn high school Spanish credits by taking a credit by exam for acceleration. Students must take the Spanish exam after the completion of 8th grade in order for the credits to count towards high school unweighted GPA. Denton ISD currently partners with Avant Stamp which is an adaptive assessment. This means students have the opportunity to earn credits in Spanish I, II, III, and IV by demonstrating proficiency in the Spanish language in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. This will allow students to be placed in the appropriate high school Spanish course. More information on high school credits via dual language and Spanish for Spanish Speakers program can be found at Denton ISD Spanish Acceleration Program Information
Test Score Requirement
If the student...
does not have previous middle school Spanish credit, then students must demonstrate mastery of 80% or higher on the course they wish to accept credit for.
failed a middle school Spanish credit then students must demonstrate mastery of 70% or higher on the course they previously failed to earn credit.
has previously earned middle school Spanish credit, then a credit by exam score cannot be used for the course that has already been awarded. That is, once a student has earned credit for a course and a passing grade has been recorded, the score on any credit by exam cannot be used to replace the recorded score.
Testing Option 1
Monday, June 2nd
9 a.m. or 12:30 p.m start time
Strickland Middle School
Testing Option 2
Tuesday, June 3rd
9 a.m. or 12:30 p.m start time
Braswell High School
Testing Option 3
Wednesday, June 4th
9 a.m. or 12:30 p.m start time
Strickland Middle School
Testing Option 4
Wednesday, June 4th
9 a.m. or 12:30 p.m start time
Guyer High School
All CBE Spanish Acceleration testing will occur in person at designated testing locations.
Preparación para los exámenes / Preparing for the Exams:
El examen es una prueba adaptada a través de Avant. Se alienta a los estudiantes a revisar la prueba de muestra en el sitio web a continuación. Denton ISD no puede proporcionar repasos adicionales o materiales de estudio para crédito por exámenes.
The examination is an adaptive test through Avant. Students are encouraged to review the sample test on the website below. Denton ISD cannot provide additional reviews or study materials for Credit by Exams.
Credit by Exam Policy for Language Acceleration
Only students currently enrolled at a Denton ISD campus or have completed the next school years registration are eligible to apply for a Credit by Exam
Per Texas Education Code §74.24 c(8), A student in any of Grades 6-12 must be given credit for an academic subject in which he or she has had no prior instruction if the student scores: (C) 80% on any other criterion-referenced test approved by the school district board of trustees for the applicable course.
Per Texas Education Code §74.24 c(9), a student may not attempt to earn credit by examination for a specific high school course more than two times.
Per Texas Education Code §74.24 c(10), If a student fails to earn credit by examination for a specific high school course before the beginning of the school year in which the student would ordinarily be required to enroll in that course, the student must satisfactorily complete the course to receive credit.
Per Texas Education Code §74.24 c(11), If a student is given credit in accordance with paragraph (8) of this subsection in a subject on the basis of an examination on which the student scored 80% or higher, the school district must enter the examination score on the student's transcript, and the student is not required to take an applicable end-of-course assessment instrument for the course.
Per Texas Education Code §74.24 c(12), In accordance with local school district policy, a student in any of Grades 6-12 may be given credit for an academic subject in which he or she had some prior instruction if the student scores 70% on a criterion-referenced test approved by the school district board of trustees for the applicable course.
Per Denton ISD HS Planning Guide
After successful completion of a CBE, the course credit and numerical score earned will be posted to the student's high school transcript.
The CBE score(s) earned from acceleration will be calculated into the student's grade point average (GPA) as an unweighted grade.
Beginning with the 2024-2025 senior cohort (freshmen in 2021-2022), CBE score(s) earned for credit recovery are not included in Ranking GPA calculations.
Scores not meeting the passing standard are not documented on the transcript or permanent record.
More information on Texas Administrative Policy on Credit by Exam can be found at Texas Education Agency - Credit by Exam