Mrs. Onstead's
Aubrey W.
Aubrey Y.
Dear Parents,
I am excited to teach your child this year! I believe that parents are the first and best teachers, so I hope to partner with you this year to give your child the BEST opportunities possible. Here is a little information about me and I hope to get to know each of you this year as well.
I graduated from the University of North Texas. I taught first grade for three years in Aubrey ISD before coming to Denton ISD. This will be my 18th year teaching at Nelson Elementary. I taught first grade here at Nelson for eight years. I am so excited to start my 10th year teaching second grade!
I am married to my husband, Cody. We have two children, Emma and Clayton. Emma is a Senior at the University of North Texas and Clayton is a Senior at Guyer High School. We have an Australian Shepherd named Maggie! I enjoy spending my free time with my family and friends!!
I look forward to this year! Please let me know if you ever need anything or if you have questions.
Jennifer Onstead
7:40-7:50 Announcements & Calendar
7:50-8:00 Morning Meeting
8:00-8:20 Phonics Workshop
8:20-9:10 Reader’s Workshop (Small Groups/Guided Reading)
9:10-9:20 Restroom Break & Snack
9:20-10:10 Writer’s Workshop (Independent Writing)
9:50-10:10 Success Time
10:10-10:30 Recess
10:30-10:40 Daily Numeracy
10:40-11:25 Math Workshop
11:25–12:15 Special Areas
12:15-12:30 Math Workshop continued
12:30-12:40 Building Fact Fluency
12:45-1:15 Lunch
1:15-1:35 Recess
1:35-1:45 Read Aloud (Rest & Digest)
1:45-2:05 Handwriting/Grammar/Interactive Writing/Shared Reading
2:05-2:40 Science & Social Studies
2:40-2:45 Clean/Pack up
2:45-3:00 Reflection/Class Meeting/Read Aloud
3:00 Dismissal
Special Areas Schedule
Day of the Week Special Areas
Monday PE
Tuesday Music
Wednesday PE
Thursday Art
Friday Rotation beginning on 8/9
Art, PE, Music, PE
**Please have your child wear comfortable clothes and tennis shoes on PE days: Monday, Wednesday & every other Friday
Grading & Report Cards
Our grading system is as follows:
3 - Meets Expectations—consistently demonstrates proficient understanding and applies skills independently with minimal teacher support.
2 - Making Progress—demonstrates initial stages of understanding; applies skills but requires teacher intervention and reinforcement.
1 - Insufficient Progress—demonstrates a lack of understanding; difficulty accomplishing grade level tasks; re-teaching consistently required
Important Information about Snacks
We will have a daily snack time during the day. Please provide a water bottle for your child to keep in their cubby. Children are only allowed to have water.
We DO have food allergies in our classroom and any snack sent from home will need to follow the allergy guidelines (no nut products, please).
Parents will be responsible for sending an individual snack for his/her child daily.
A snack should be small and nutritious. Examples of healthy snacks include:
o Fresh fruit (bananas, apples, grapes, orange slices)
o Fresh vegetables (carrots, snap peas, celery)
o Cheese
o Crackers
o Raisins
o Pretzels
The snacks need to be easy to open and not require a utensil for eating. Please remember that a snack is not a treat. Cookies, snack cakes, greasy chips, and candy of any kind are not acceptable because they do not give lasting energy necessary for attention and learning.
Special Celebrations
Class parties will be held 3 times per year (Winter, Valentine’s and End of the Year) and they will be during a designated time slot at the end of our instructional day. We will let you know as we near our celebration times.
Birthdays - We love to celebrate birthdays! You are welcome to send a treat and I will pass it out after lunch and recess. If you send invitations to school, please send one to all students in our class.
I will be scheduling parent/teacher conferences with each family in October. You are always welcome to request a conference with me at any time. Please email, send a note with your child or call to schedule a conference. I would love to meet with you during my conference time from 11:25-12:15 or after school.
For safety reasons, every volunteer needs a criminal background check EVERY YEAR to work at Nelson and to attend field trips. You can fill out the background check online. You do not need a background check to visit with your child at celebrations in the classroom.
Class Rewards
We are focusing on rewarding whole classes for working together for good behavior. We will have a CHAMPS chart that we can earn stickers for. Once we filled up the chart (20 stickers =20 class compliments), we will celebrate with extra recess, pajama day or electronic day!
Classroom Virtues & Consequences
We have one main rule in our class: “You may do anything in this classroom as long as it is not a problem for you or anyone else”. We use virtues as guidelines and decide how to behave based on them. Our classroom virtues are responsibility, respect, honesty and self-control.
If a child is disrupting or misbehaving, I use the “Love and Logic” approach, by giving them plenty of choices within limits (i.e. “You can either sit here on the floor quietly or move to your desk quietly”). I try to give a child the opportunity to make a good choice. If a child continues to show disruptive behavior, I ask them to move away from the group. If the behavior escalates, we will follow the school procedures on disciplinary action. I hope that we can solve our problems quickly and effectively in the classroom, without resorting to outside help.
We are trying to encourage responsibility for our actions. If you have questions, just write me a note or send an email, and I will get back with you. Thanks for all that you do!!