Green School Action Group

Diocesan Boys' School

For in the true nature of things, if we rightly consider, every green tree

is far more glorious than if it were made of gold and silver.”

— Martin Luther


The Diocesan Boys' School Green School Action Group (GSAG) is a student organization established in 2014 and governed by the Green School Committee. GSAG advocates environmental conservation among current students, old boys and friends of the Diocesan family. Recent projects have also been included on this website so that you can witness our efforts in promoting a green and sustainable school environment. Check out our other webpages for more information!

Goal 1

Disseminate environmental knowledge to the general public

Goal 2

Advocate collaborative efforts in combating environmental threats

Goal 3

Implement school-wide strategies to enhance conservation efforts

Goal 4

Nurture environmental consciousness and sustainable practices among students


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