About Us

I. What is GSAG?

The Green School Action Group (GSAG in short) is the official student organization tasked with environmental conservation and protection in Diocesan Boys' School. It was founded in 2014 and is governed by the Green School Committee. The four key goals of the group are:

Advocate collaborative efforts in combating environmental threats

Disseminate environmental knowledge to the Diocesan community and general public

Implement school-wide strategies to enhance conservation efforts

Nurture environmental consciousness and sustainable practices among students

The current teacher-in-charges of the GSAG for the 2022-23 school year are Mr. Mark Chan (CCY; Coordinator), the Dean of Studies (YTW), the Dean of Culture (KWC), Ms. Aisling Fahy (AGF), Ms. Florence Wong (FW) and Mr. Victor Lee (HML).

The chairman for the 2022-23 school year is Lee Adrian Man Yui.

II. History of GSAG

GSAG was founded in September 2014.

This website was created in February 2021 by five G10 students (Class of 2023): Hewitt Wong, Carsten Chow, Raphael Lin, Ryan Pon and Andrew Wong. The students joined the Take Action 2021! Youth Biodiversity Conservation Leadership Training Scheme and used the website as a means to display their achievements in the initiative "DBConserve", including tree tags, information boards, virtual tours and online plant databases. They went on to win the Best Action Plan Presentation Award while receiving wide acclaim from the Diocesan community. The founders of DBConserve were invited to take up the executive committee roles in the school year 2021-22 and incorporated DBConserve's work (biodiversity conservation and awareness) under GSAG while preserving most pre-existing working areas of the group (recycling campaigns, hydroponics, energy saving).

The group is now composed of over 50 active members who work relentlessly in producing and maintaining projects that can achieve the four key goals.

III. Structure

The Green School Action Group is the student organization under the Green School Committee.

It is led by the Chairman, who oversees the Operations of all core and working teams. He is also responsible for the strategic development and human resources of the team. The chairman reports to the Green School Committee.

The Core Teams are responsible for project planning and implementation relating to the four core goals of the GSAG. They comprise the Energy and Climate Change Division (ECC), Biodiversity Division (BIODIV), Sustainable Consumption Division and Sustainable Cultivation Division. Each division is led by a chairman/vice-chairman.

The Subsidiary Teams are responsible for promotion and public awareness. They comprise the Secretariat, the Website Management Team and the Content Management Team, which are led by the Secretary, Website Director and Social Media Director respectively.

The Treasurer is in charge of the budget and other financial operations of the group.

1. Energy and Climate Change Division

The Energy and Climate Change Division is tasked with brainstorming solutions to reduce electricity consumption of the school and assess the electricity consumption rate of the school. It also holds various events and activities to gauge the interests of students in climate change and its related topics.

2. Biodiversity Division

The Biodiversity Division is tasked with enhancing public awareness and participation in the conservation of biodiversity and the environment. It works closely with the Tree Management Office to support the school's efforts in conservation while educating students about the importance of biodiversity. Lastly, the division conducts ecological surveys and maintains the database of plant species in school by continuing the DBConserve initiative.

3. Sustainable Consumption Division

The Sustainable Consumption Division is responsible for making the school a greener place through reducing waste generation and promoting smart, sustainable consumption. Since October 2021, the division has been working on a recycling program for waste cardboard cartons. The division will also collaborate with the Tuck Shop to create better food options and reduce food waste.

4. Sustainable Cultivation Division

The Sustainable Cultivation division provides Diocesans with opportunities to learn about modern sustainable horticultural practices. The main project of this division is the management of the school’s hydroponics system. The team works with the Habitat Office and the food catering company to keep the system functioning. In addition, the division engages in outreach programmes, such as the “一校一藥園” (One School, One Traditional Chinese Medicines Garden Scheme) organised by THEi.

5. Secretariat

The secretariat works under the secretary and is responsible for the day-to-day administration of the group, including the composition of notices, emails, announcements and other administrative items.

6. Website Management Team

The website management team is responsible for updating this website to provide updates about the team and information about projects. It is currently led by the Website Director, who reports to the chairman directly.

7. Content Management Team

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the team realised the need to adopt an online publicity platform to achieve its goals. The team's Instagram page was established in January 2022. The team oversees the operation of the Instagram page including the design of posts and publicity efforts. It is led by the Social Media Director, who reports to the Chairman directly.

IV. Executive Committee 2022-23 and Acknowledgements

V. Past Executive Committees