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The money raised in this event will go to help Allison and her family with Medical Bills, treatments, and lost work time. The remaining amount will go to The Oral Cancer Foundation. Please click on the link below to gain more information.

The Oral Cancer Foundation is a great charity that raises money for research, educating the public about signs, symptoms and prevention, and support for cancer patients. They host national walks and support independent events others do to raise money.

Here is the link to the homepage: The Oral Cancer Foundation

Mission statement: “The Oral Cancer Foundation's core mission is to reduce the incidence of oral cancer in the US population, and support those who are currently or have been impacted by the disease.

Through increased public and professional awareness, prevention through lifestyle changes, early detection initiatives, education, improved treatment modalities, and sponsorship of research we work toward our goal each day.”

About the Foundation: “The foundation is focused on a new public self-awareness and discovery campaign, one that will showcase and educate the public on oral health and early cancer symptom recognition—to allow them to be active participants in their wellness. It is on our shoulders to save lives through a variety of mechanisms. Educating those who are not aware of oral cancer, which includes an understanding of the risk factors and signs and symptoms allowing early discovery and self-referral of suspicious conditions is possible. However, we cannot complete our vision of opening a dialog with millions of people to create that informed public, capable of early discovery, without the generous donations of our community.

We get by with a little help from our friends; friendships and strategic partnerships drive our passion to reach those currently affected, and help future generations of men and women avoid being touched by this devastating disease. We ask for your help to accomplish our missions. With your help these goals are achievable. Together we are the beginning of the end of oral cancers.”