Coaching Guidelines

There have been many who have coached at FYSA before you.  Here are a few tips and tricks from current and former FYSA coaches.  If you think you think you have anything to add, let us know and we'll work to share your insights. 

Your Responsibility

Your primary responsibility is safety and fun.  Your secondary responsibility is teaching the game and training the team.  Your third responsibility is training individual skills. 

The Golden Rule:  Do less, not more.  

You only need a handful of exercises that you use often.  This allows both you and the players to build competence.  You can add variety by adding small changes and complexity to the same exercises, to make them more challenging and competitive. 

Follow a Common Framework 

Develop a framework for every training session [e.g. Warm-up exercises, stretch exercises, soccer exercises with a theme, small-sided game(s) ].  Following a framework helps build predictability and flow into the training sessions.  The tough part with kids is losing them in transition and explaining newer drills.  Having a common structure and repeating the same exercises minimizes that challenge.

Other Guidelines 

Come prepared and show up early.  

Know the rules. Learn the game. 

Just like life, there will be good days and bad days.

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