Student Gallery

Exemplary Essays


Explanatory Essay 

We have continued working on strengthening our informative essays including an introduction paragraph, 3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph.

The essay begins with an introductory paragraph stating the topic of the essay and introduces the two texts referenced throughout the essay.

The essay has been organized to group information on the same topic. Each body paragraph consists of a topic sentence, 1 - 2 facts supported by 1-2 pieces of text evidence, (quoted from the text reference) , and a concluding sentence. 

Finally, the writer has included a conclusion paragraph restating the topic of the essay, summarizing the facts given, and providing a sense of closure.

Narrative Journal Entry

Our first narrative prompt required students to write a journal entry imagining that they had survived a natural disaster and were helped by a government worker.

Take a look at the sample shown to view a student's story that includes an established situation, as well as descriptive details about the time, place, and characters involved. Additionally, the student has incorporated dialogue between the characters and remembered to punctuate their dialogue appropriately.


Opinion Essay

This opinion prompt required students to write an essay comparing and contrasting the characters of Dorothy and the Scarecrow from an excerpt of the Wizard of Oz we read in class, then stating who has more positive traits and would make a better friend.

Take a look at the samples shown to view two examples that have:

- A strong introduction  - (they introduce the story, characters, state a strong opinion)

-  Body paragraph with reasoning, TEXT EVIDENCE to support each reason

- Conclusion restating their opinion & summarizing their reasoning.

awesome art

The Elements of Art are the foundation of all great masterpieces. 

Below are student interpretations of the element LINE. Students experimented with different line variations and patterns.

Below are student interpretations of the element SHAPE. Notice how each part of our fox can be broken down into different shapes.

Below are student interpretations of the element SPACE. Students learned that placing objects higher up on the page, and making those objects smaller, can give the illusion of those items being further away.

Below are student interpretations of the element VALUE. As we apply light and strong pressure with our pencils, we see a variation of value, which will be incredibly helpful for creating form, one of our upcoming elements of study.

Below are student interpretations of the element TEXTURE. Students used the previously taught elements to complete a study of various textures

Below are student interpretations of the element FORM. We completed a still life by using what we know of line, shape, space, value, and texture to create the illusion of a 3-dimensional composition on our page.

Below are student interpretations of the element COLOR. Students used warm and cool colors to help add vibrance and life to their artwork!