Class Updates

Check back often for messages from Ms. Holmes

Week of 10/30


This week we will be continuing with Evolution History. Quiz is moved to Monday, please make sure to complete all assignments this week and use the GimKit to help study for the quiz. 

Note: I am finishing up grading, sorry I am so behind. It has been a crazy couple of weeks. 

Important dates:

11/6- Evolutionary History Quiz

Week of 10/23

This week we will be dissecting owl pellets to identify what small animal the owl ate. Please be ready to complete the lab in class. 

Important dates:

10/24-26-Owl Pellet dissections

Week of 10/16

This week we are starting our Evolutionary History unit. We also have Parent-Teacher conferences this week. 

Important Dates:

10/18- Parent-Teacher Conferences (MINIMUM DAY)

10/20- Fun in-class activity! Intro to Cladograms

Week of 10/9

This week we are doing our final project for the Natural Selection Unit. This is an in-class project and is due on THURSDAY at the end of class.  The end of the first quarter is Thursday. 

NOTE** Parent-Teacher Conferences are next week Wednesday 10/18.

Important Dates:

10/12- NS Comic due

10/13- NO SCHOOL

10/14- Solar Eclipse!!

Week of 10/2

Apologies for not updating last week.

Week of 9/25

Hello Fall! This week is going to a busy one! We are finishing chapter 2 of our Natural Selection unit which we will finish with our first quiz. Due to technical difficulties and the fire drill on Tuesday, the quiz has been moved to FRIDAY 9/29.

I will not be giving a study guide for the quiz, however you should look over the key concepts we have covered thus far. I have posted the key concepts on Google Classroom. 

Any make-up/test retakes must be completed by Wednesday 9/27. This deadline has already been extended by a week, so Wednesday is the FINAL day for retakes. 

Important Dates

9/26-Fire drill during 3rd period

9/27- FINAL day for test retakes

9/29- NS quiz

Week of 9/11

We are starting Amplify this week!! WHOOHOOO!

Please make sure to keep your workbook in class and your textbook at home.

If you get a chance, please take a moment to remember all those that lost their lives on 9/11/01. Maybe have a conversation with your guardian/student about the day and what you were doing when the tragic events occured.

Week of 9/4

Hello everyone! I hope you had a great three day weekend. This week we are wrapping up our introductory unit which means we have a test this week! Please see Google Classroom for study materials, I have posted a study guide and the keys to all the worksheets we completed in class. 

We are going to start Amplify next Monday, so you will be receiving your textbooks and workbooks on Friday in class. Please, please, please DO NOT bring your textbook to school everyday. That is extra weight you don't need to carry. All the materials in the textbook will be available on the Amplify website. 

Important Dates:

9/4- No school.

9/5- CER worksheet due in class

9/7- Intro Unit Test (see study materials on GC)

9/8- Back to School Social!

Week of 8/28

Welcome to the second full week of the school year!!

This week is Back to School Night, and I am so excited to meet all of your parents! Please remember BTSN is Wednesday at 6pm and this is a PARENTS ONLY event. Please remind your parents that you and any siblings should not attend as space in classrooms is limited. Please give your parents the form you received Monday in 1st period that includes your FULL schedule.

This week in class we will be continuing our Science Review unit so get ready for some fun notes and activities.

Next week is our first unit test. Please keep an eye on Google Classroom for the study guide. If you cannot access Google Classroom, please email me. 

Important Dates:

8/28- Class Procedures Quiz (in-class)

8/29-Graphing worksheets due in class

8/30- Back To School Night (6pm Parents only)


9/4-NO SCHOOL!! (Labor Day)

9/7- Unit Test

Week of 8/21

Hello All!

Congrats on completing the first week of school! Keep up the good work and focus and we complete our Science review unit.

Important dates:

8/22- Metric Conversion worksheets due in class (if you didn't finish, turn them in as soon as you can!)

8/28- Class procedures quiz in class

First day of School! (Week of 8/16)

Wednesday 8/16

Welcome back Thunderbolts! I just want to say that I am so excited to start this new school year. Unfortunately, I won't be at school for the first few days. Your sub will provide you with all your required work, including your course syllabus. Please look over the syllabus with your parent/guardian (a digital copy can be found of the "Syllabus" page of this website). A signed copy of the syllabus is due in class on Tuesday 8/22. 

Additionally, on Thursday you will be completing an activity that requires coloring utensils. I have color pencils in my classroom, but if you would prefer, I suggest bringing your own. 

Upcoming Due Dates:

8/16-Classmate bingo is due in class (There will be a raffle when I return)

8/17- Student Survey due in class

8/22- Signed syllabus due

Week of 9/18

It's going to be a fun week continuing with our Natural Selection unit. On Monday we will continue camouflaging animals into our room. I will have other teachers come by after school to try to find the top 15 from my classes. 

On Tuesday we are wrapping up Chapter 1, so please see me of you are having trouble with adaptations and how populations change over time. 

Important Dates:

9/28- NS quiz in class