
Order of Learning Math Facts

When we grew up, we learned to just memorize our math facts. While the flashcards method can work, it doesn't work for all and isn't very effective. Before memorization, we should first focus on teaching math strategies. Click on the article to learn what order your child should learn their facts in and how to teach each math strategy. Below are other supports to help your child remember their facts.

Untitled presentation


Some students learn best through singing songs. Especially when it's to a beat they are familiar with. You can play these songs and have your child just sing the skip counting part together as a family in the car or at home. YouTube is also great, because you can slow down the speed of the song if your child needs time to memorize those parts. I'd recommend giving a skip counting chart as well. Have you child practice their facts on paper while singing.

Multiplication Mash Up (Modern songs + All facts 1-12)

Mr. DeMaio Multiplication Songs (Modern songs)