Let's make second grade a great experience for everyone!  How?  That is simple!  Click on this link to take a closer look at how we can help ourselves and others grow throughout this school year.

Google Classroom is the place you will find AND submit assignments, quizzes, and tests.  It will also be used for classroom announcements, asking, questions, and supporting each other throughout the workday.  Click the link to access our Google Classroom for this year.  To join, use class code:  

1st:  TBA

2nd:  TBA

3rd:  TBA

4th:  TBA

5th:  TBA

This page is designed for YOUR academic needs.  Information about specialist classes, (PE, Science, Technology), online resource materials, and more will be posted here to help you get the job done.  When in doubt...check this page out!

This page is designed for your NON-academic needs.  Information about mindfulness, online resource materials for wellness, and more will be posted here to help you feel your best, and channel your inner super hero.  When in self-doubt...check this page out!