
High School Alternatives

PROGRAMS: (Students must enroll through their home comprehensive high school) 

Cal SAFE/Teen Parent Support 4455 Seneca Park Ave. (510) 657-9155 

College Connections 4210 Technology Dr. (510) 659-2513 The College Connections Program is a unique program available to high school seniors in the Fremont Unified School District that allows them to complete their final year of high school while taking UC/CSU transferable college courses at Ohlone Community College at the same time. This program is designed for highly motivated students who are ready to begin their transition to college before they graduate. The first semester, students take the following high school courses: American Government, ERWC, and the elective; You and the Law. During the second semester, students take the following high school courses: Economics and two electives, Humanities 12 and Literature, Justice and Society. The program is open to FUSD high school seniors provided they are in good academic standing and have a minimum 2.0 GPA by the end of their junior year. There is an application process to gain admission. See school counselor if interested.

Fremont Adult School 4700 Calaveras Ave. (510) 793-6465 

Mission Valley Regional Occupational 5019 Stevenson Blvd. (510) 657-1865 Program (MVROP) 

Robertson High School 4455 Seneca Park Ave. (510) 657-9155 

Vista Alternative School 4455 Seneca Park Ave. (510) 657-7028 Provides an additional option for the pursuit of educational goals. This voluntary independent study program is designed for those students who prefer to learn on their own. Students who would benefit from this program typically: want to work faster than most students, have personal health needs that make it difficult to attend a full day of school, have special training for sports or the arts that requires a flexible schedule or need to work full time. Students must have the ability to operate a laptop and understand the Plato software. Students should have the discipline to complete at least 25 hours of work at home every week. Enrollment is limited and interested students must apply to be admitted to Vista. The application is reviewed by the principal, the counselor, the lead teacher, and the transcript must reflect that the student has the ability to pass high school level classes.

Circle of Independent Learning 4700 Calaveras Ave. (510) 797-0100 School (COIL) Circle of Independent Learning (COIL) is an independent study, personalized learning, K-12 public charter school.

California High School Proficiency Examination (FAQ) Students who take and pass this test are given a certificate of proficiency for the state of California which may or may not be accepted as being the equivalent of a regular high school diploma. A student must be at least 16 years of age to take this examination.