How to Use Directory

All of the information in the course description entry is important. Be sure that you read it all and understand what it says. 

HELP: translate ◇ traducir ◇ 翻譯 (For Directory Pages Click X  to close the "English" Filter first and then Select language | Haga clic en la X para cerrar el filtro de inglés y luego seleccione el idioma)


Fabricated Course Example

Digital Impressionism 2 (title or name of course)
Subject: Arts (general field of study)
High School(s): KHS, WHS (schools available)
Grade level(s): 11,12 (grades available)
Meets UC/CSU subject area: f (subject letter code)
Prerequisite(s): C in Digital 1 (condition needed to take course)
Description: This course is grounded in digital Impressionism focusing on software tools and small brush strokes and emphasis on the depiction of light.(representation of course)
Credit (or Term Length): 10 credits/year (length of instruction)
Footnote(s): Lab donation may be requested. (additional terms)
Code: (administrative number)

This fabricated example only course would be explained as - Digital Impressionism 2 is an arts course available at John F. Kennedy and Washington High School open to 11th and 12th grade students. It fulfills University of California “a-g” requirement, as a “g” elective. Students must have received a grade of C or higher in Digital 1 to be eligible to take this course. The course will be a blend of modern software and 19th-century art technique and has a 10 credit year long value with a possible additional cost toward lab supplies.


Filter Menus Refine Results
Subtracting from the larger group of courses - you can add multiple Filters. By Selecting a School and Subject you narrow the down list. Results are Courses that match ALL Filters, for example you would have no Results if you Filter by two Subjects because Subjects are exclusive of each other. You can clear a Filter individually by using the X next to the Filter name.

Course Title Search box is searchable by typing letters of the title. Results will reduce as more letters are used (less matches) - similar for numbers in the Course Code box.

The Directory tool/code tries to remember your page position so if you use the next arrows <  > at the bottom of the page you stay at the bottom of the next page - similarly with pagination - if you apply a Filter to the third page of a group of results you end up on the third page of the new filtered results.

On the right side of the Directory the is a ⋮ Extras Menu - you can Print (suggest print to pdf) your Results and Clear all Filters - as needed.

The Directory tool/code uses a software as a service that pulls data from a master Google Sheet then displays filtered course information.

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