Classroom by Design

Teaching is an art which requires various components. Our hope is that you will utilize this site to collaborate, highlight, and refine what you do in your classroom. FUSD is a district by design so our classrooms need to also be designed to maximize student learning and achievement. How will you engage your students? How will you promote collaboration, communication, critical thinking, and creativity? Revolutionize your classroom by integrating technology that enhances students' access to the curriculum.  

The FUSD Educational Technology Team is here to support you in your everyday use of technology in the classroom, with students, and learning new skills to make your life just a little bit easier. Sarah Harrison, and Alec McDaniel are available to serve you and your students. Our mission is to ensure you feel confident and competent with district technology. Have a question, need a demonstration, want some troubleshooting help, that's what we are here for!