2017-2018 Season

West Fall Showcase: Shattered Shakespeare

Drop Dead Juliet

Juliet has had enough! Enough with the poison, enough with the stabbing, and especially enough with the dying. She wants a new story and she wants it now. More parts for girls! More romance! Less death!

Romeo and Juliet will never be the same - or will it? Not everyone's so keen on the changes. And why is Romeo sneaking off with Rosaline?

Hamlet, Zombie Killer of Denmark

Zombie or not zombie? That is the question.

Denmark is plagued with zombies led by Hamlet's uncle/step-father, the current king of Denmark.

When Hamlet learns from his zombified father the plot of his uncle - a plan to turn Denmark into a land of the undead - Hamlet knows he must stop him! Or not. If he could only be sure...

Hamlet, Zombie Killer! (A Piece of Him).mov

Regional Conference

The Indiana Thespians Regional Conferences are a series of one-day events held each fall. Delegates to these events are treated to a number of plays that are competing to advance to our State Conference, as well as competing in Thespys, and participating in workshops or other enrichment activities in theatre.

Drop Dead Juliet-Competition Version.MP4

Indiana State Thespian Conference

Each year the Indiana Thespians State Conference gathers nearly 1000 middle and high school Thespians, Future Thespians, and their directors for a weekend of workshops, performances, keynote speakers, and FUN!

Hairspray (Collaboration with FC)


It's 1962 in Baltimore, and the lovable plus-size teen, Tracy Turnblad, has only one desire – to dance on the popular "Corny Collins Show." When her dream comes true, Tracy is transformed from social outcast to sudden star. She must use her newfound power to dethrone the reigning Teen Queen, win the affections of heartthrob, Link Larkin, and integrate a TV network... all without denting her 'do!

6-8 grade students from both East and West participated in FC's first High School/Middle School collaboration.

East Spring Showcase

21 Guaranteed Ways to Get Detention (Even When Your Principal Doesn't Want to Give You One)

The quota is clear: the principal of McKinley Grove High School and her two new assistants can't give out more than twenty detentions per year. But this student body breaks the rules in such ridiculous ways, they might hit the maximum in just one day. Meet the world's most obvious cheater, a ruthless Girl Scout cookie mogul, the captain of the Cat Football League, and many more in this cavalcade of hilariously bad behavior.

Appropriate Audience Behavior

Carol and Ashley are expecting a tale of woe as they take their seats to watch Hamlet, but the real tragedy is that they're sitting next to the world's noisiest weirdos. The audience takes the spotlight as everyone from a cough-drop obsessive to a guy watching the play like a football game steals the show from the unseen Shakespearean masterpiece. An outrageously meta comedy that reminds us where the drama belongs--onstage.