Keynote Speakers

Prof. Flavio Corradini

Flavio Corradini is Full Professor of Complex Systems Design at the University of Camerino. He got a Laurea Degree in Computer Science (University of Pisa) and a PhD in Computer Engineering (University of Rome “La Sapienza”). He is the Rector of the University of Camerino since November 2011. Flavio Corradini is active in the area of e-government and information society, in formal specifications of distributed systems and in formal languages. He collaborates with several ICT companies and with Public Administrations for the development of solutions for innovation technology, technology transfer and scientific research. He has coordinated several national and international projects.

Aldo Franco Dragoni received a Degree in Electronics Engineering from the University of Ancona, discussing a thesis in Artificial Intelligence on “Plan Recognition from Visual Information”. Currently he is in charge as Associate Professor at the "Università Politecnica delle Marche" teaching "Foundamentals of Computer Sciences", "Artificial Intelligence" and "Operating Systems 2". His scientific interests concern several aspects of Artificial Intelligence, from classic knowledge-based approaches to more advanced hybrid systems that integrate symbolic reasoning with neural networks. He started a research topic in "Real Time Intelligent Systems" and opened a new application area that he called "NetMedicine", which means every health-related activity carried on through the Internet. He founded and lead the laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Real Time Systems (AIRTLab - Recently he started the project “Virtual CareGiver” relative to “assistive domotics” for the elderly. He is author or co-author of 135 scientific publications.

Nikitas N. Karanikolas graduated from the department of Statistics and Informatics of the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB), in 1988. He received his PhD from the department of Applied Informatics of AUEB, in 1994. Since 1987, he is a professional in software development. In 1996, he got the position of Systems Head of the Technological Educational Institute's Library (TEI of Athens Library). One year later on November 1997, he got the position of chief in the Department of Informatics and Organization of the Aretaieio University Hospital. He remained in this position until November 2004. Then, he moved (after election) to the academic position of Assistant Professor in the Department of Informatics of TEI of Athens. He progressed to Associate Professor in the Department of Informatics of TEI of Athens, in November 2010. He progressed to Professor in the same department, in December 2014. He was elected and remained member of the Board of Directors of the Greek Computer Society (GCS) for four years, member of the Board of Directors for two years (2004-2006) and Secretary General for another two years period (2006-2008). Dr. Karanikolas academic interests are: Medical Informatics; Natural Language Processing and Understanding; Computational Linguistics; Information Retrieval; Text Data Mining; Databases; e-Commerce. He has authored 15 Journal papers, 4 papers as book contributions and about 50 Conference papers. In most of them, he is the first or the only author. He is also author of five books (which are primary textbooks in Greek Universities) and editor of 3 conference proceedings.

Giuseppe Pirlo is associate professor of the Department of Computer Science of the University of Bari “Aldo Moro”. He is the managing representative of the University of Bari for the Digital Agenda and Smart City. His interests cover the areas of biometrics, pattern recognition, intelligent systems, computer arithmetic, communication and e-Learning. He has developed several scientific projects and published more than three-hundred papers in the field of automatic signature verification, handwriting recognition, document analysis and processing, parallel architectures for computing, multimedia technologies for collaborative work and distance learning. Giuseppe Pirlo is associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems and reviewer for many international journals including IEEE T-PAMI, IEEE T-SMC, IEEE T-IP, IEEE T-FS, IEEE T-EC, Pattern Recognition, Pattern Recognition Letters, IJDAR, Information Processing Letters, etc. . He has been in the scientific committee of many International Conferences and has served as reviewer of ICPR, ICDAR, ICFHR, IWFHR, ICIAP, VECIMS, CISMA, etc. He was the editor of the book “Advances in Digital Handwritten Signature Processing – A Human Artefact for e-Society” published by World Scientific in 2014. He was general co-chair of the International Conference on “Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition” (ICFHR 2012), co-chair of the International workshop on “Emerging Aspects on Handwritten Signature Processing” (EAHSP 2013) and of the “International workshop on Image-based Smart City Applications” (ISCA 2015). Giuseppe Pirlo is IEEE senior member and member of the IAPR - TC11. He serves as member of the SIe-L Governing Board and is member of the e-learning Committee of the University of Bari. He is in the Governing Board of the “Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per l’Informatica” (CINI) and the Chair of the “Associazione Italiana per l’Informatica ed il Calcolo Automatico – Puglia (AICA - Puglia).

Prof. Aldo Franco Dragoni

Prof. Nikitas N. Karanikolas

Prof. Giuseppe Pirlo