Authors Guide
Submission Info
All papers should describe original results that have not been accepted or submitted for publication elsewhere. There are two submission options for RTA-CSIT 2025:
Full paper (max 10 pages)
Reports on finished works including experiments, evaluation and any other outcomes.
Short paper (max 5 pages)
Reports on work in progress, initial ideas, preliminary results.
Accepted papers will need to be presented by one of the authors during the conference sessions. Participation is free of charge.
All papers should be prepared using this template. Please not the one column layout. If you prefer Latex, please use sample-1col.tex here, or this Overleaf Template. Submissions must be done in PDF format and they will not be accepted if they are not written using the required template.
Submissions should be done electronically only using EasyChair Conference Management System. Submissions by email or any other form will not be accepted.
Please feel free to contact us if you need further information.
All submissions will be peer reviewed by two members of the scientific committee. All accepted full papers that will be presented at the conference sessions and short papers presented during the poster session will be published in the conference proceedings.
Proceedings shall be submitted for publication online in CEUR-WS (open access, online ISSN, indexed by various search engines).