5th International Conference 

Recent Trends and Applications in Computer Science


26-27 APRIL 2023 in Tirana, Albania.

University of Tirana, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Informatics organizes the

5th International Conference RTA-CSIT on 26-27 APRIL 2023 in Tirana, Albania.

The main goal  of the event is to provide an opportunity for researchers and IT practitioners from all over the world to present their research results and discuss the practical challenges encountered and the solution adopted. This conference provides opportunities for participants to exchange new ideas and application experiences face to face, to establish research or business relations and to find potentials partners for future collaboration.

The conference proceedings publications is supported by CEUR-WS

*The participation is free of charge

Submissions will be accepted electronically using the EasyChair Conference Management System.Please click here for more details.

Please click here to download the call for papers.

Proceedings have been published online in CEUR-WS (open access, online ISSN).

Publication Metrics for the previous three editions:

Citation count is based on Google Scholar tracking, as of November 2022.




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Under the auspices of

Spiro Drushku, Dean of FNS – UT Albania

Artan Hoxha, Rector of UT –  Albania