Student is Symptomatic on Bus

Symptom checking at home by parents is critical to reducing the spread of COVID-19. Bus drivers and school personnel will also play an important role in identifying students who may have symptoms of illness and therefore should be excluded from school.

  1. If symptoms are noticed prior to boarding or as the student boards the bus, the driver will not allow the student to board the bus.

    1. If caregiver is present, the student should remain home and caregiver should follow the protocol for Symptoms at Home.

  2. For elementary students, if no caregiver is present, ensure that all students are masked and instruct the student with symptoms to sit in a seat that is at meets the minimum physical distance from other students. (Buses will be supplied with extra masks for students who for whatever reason do not have a mask.)

a. The bus driver will call dispatch to notify the school that there is a student who may have symptoms.

b. Dispatch will notify the school so that the School Nurse can meet the bus, and collect the student as they exit the bus.

  1. For FRS students, where there is no caregiver present, the bus driver should notify dispatch that a student was excluded from riding the bus and the dispatch should notify FRS.

  2. The bus should be cleaned and disinfected.

  3. The School Nurse will assess the student for symptoms.

a. If ANY symptoms

      • The student will be brought to the medical waiting room and remain masked at least 6’ apart from any other student. Nursing care and age appropriate activities will be provided as needed.

      • The school will contact parent / guardian or other emergency contact for pick up.

      • Instructions for testing will be provided. Families are encouraged to seek a test for all students who present with COVID-19 like symptoms. Those who choose not to test will need to remain out of school for at least 10 days from symptom onset and until their symptoms have improved and they have been without a fever for at least 24 hours (without any medication to manage fever or cold symptoms).

      • If a positive test result is received:

        1. The district will follow the protocol for a student / staff person tests positive for COVID-19.

        2. The family should answer the call from the Public Health Nurse / LBOH or the MA Community Tracing Collaborative for instructions on isolation for the child who tested positive, quarantine for household members, and to assist with

        3. identification of close contacts (especially outside of school).

        4. If families are concerned about any symptoms, they are encouraged to contact their PCP for advice.

        5. If the School Nurse determines that the student is symptom free, the student may report to their class. The School Nurse or Principal will contact the family to notify them of the assessment for symptoms.