Social Studies

Social Studies with Mrs. Brace & Mrs. Starke

Block 4

Our current unit is: The Colonial Era

Unit 2 Inquiry Question: How can facing the complexities of America's past help us to meet the challenges of the present?

Brace Homeroom: January 22nd  Social Studies projects need to be completed this week. The last day to work on your project in SS class is Friday, January 26th. If you need additional time, use the available time in Excel class or finish as homework.  Class presentations of the projects will take place on Tuesday, January 30th. Thank you! 

Miller Homeroom: January 23nd  Social Studies projects need to be completed this week. The last day to work on your project in SS class is Monday, January 29th. If you need additional time, use the available time in Excel class or finish as homework.  Class presentations of the projects will take place on Wednesday, January 31st. Thank you!