"Good employees show up and do their work. Great employees are motivated and passionate about their work."

CFM Course Outline 2020.pdf

Course Outline

Students should review this outline and share with parents. Other information needed will be provided on this webpage throughout course.

Remote Students are scheduled as Hybrid A students and should be attending live stream classes on Monday and Thursdays during their scheduled class times.

As of Tuesday October 13th, Wednesdays will be used for live streaming make-up time, assistance time and any questions for electives from 1-2pm.

Any questions or comments can be directed to me at

Welcome to CFM 2020.pptx

Welcome To CFM Powerpoint Review for Class:


  1. Class Lessons and Drive Work 20%

  2. Mini-Projects and Workbook 30%

  3. Main Projects 50%

The Career Financial Management course, also known as CFM is a course designed to teach students a combination of career preparation and life skills. Students will complete this course in units, with the end result being a mini-portfolio following a checklist of needed items. Based on the Covid circumstances, this year students will begin to create a working online website as their final project, in which they can highlight school accomplishments, post their resume and they can update it throughout their time at Frontier to use for college entrance, career prep or some other personal purpose.

Because this course is designed to be used for a personal portfolio, the students final examination grade is based on that project.


  1. Sit at assigned seats or computers

  2. Come to class prepared with tech needs, pen, notebook or other assigned work

  3. All class work emailed to by end of week assigned

  4. NO food or drink in classes this year

  5. Follow project due dates

  6. Cell Phones or other technology used for class purposes only


  1. Career Exploration Test

  2. Basic Budgeting

  3. Resume Writing

  4. Soft Skills

  5. Career Paper/Interview

  6. Employment Benefits

  7. Basic Investing/Credit

  8. Interview Skills


  1. Students must complete a minimum of 75% of the skill projects assigned

  2. Creation of a website showing student goals, achievements and with links to work in this class

  3. Final project edits and updated for use in final website

  4. Checklist with grade scales


Career Test Review.docx


  1. Go to

  2. Complete Survey and then down load the template to the left to answer the questions in complete sentences, email to teacher when done. Due by end of week 2

  3. Review conclusions and discuss the need to be flexible with your goals

UNIT 2- Budgeting

Budget Worksheet.xlsx


  1. Download the Budget Template to the left or from Google Classroom and save it into your drive

  2. Download the worksheet from Google Classroom as well and complete the work

  3. Bring to class to prepare budgets week 3

  4. Tax calculator Link:

  5. Tax review sheet assigned for Thurs-Fri

  6. Budget 1 due week 4

Budget Worksheet.xlsx


  1. Complete Minimum Wage Budget and Present to teacher, showing 10% or more in savings

  2. Start Personal Budget using the Tax calculator to use real net pay data

  3. Budget expenses, setting goals and be prepared to defend your choices

  4. Complete summary paper due by end of week 4

SpendingPlan Powerpoint.ppt


  1. Review Budget 1 work with students, others review spending plan PowerPoint

  2. Download or Review the Spending Plan PowerPoint to left and answer the following questions on a Google Doc, then share it with me at

A. Explain to me the importance of having a spending plan.

B. What is the difference between Earned income and Unearned income?

C. Why do you need a list of your expenses first before you create a plan?

D. Can you live on a minimum wage income?

  1. Review the PowerPoint slides together in class using examples

  2. Assigned Career Research Prep Template by end of week

Career Research Project 2019.docx


  1. Career Research Project Work in Class

  2. Review work, assist with Budgets and other missing work

  3. Career Interview Assistance

  4. Discuss Schmoozing unit next

2020 Schmoozing.pptx


  1. Schmoozing Lesson (Soft Skills)

  2. Schmoozing-Soft Skills Review work (Reflection after reading .pdf)

  3. Soft Skills Prep in Class

  4. Discuss Resume Writing for Week 8

Student Resume Template 2020.docx

Week 8 Work

  1. Purpose of a resume

  2. Resume Rules Lesson

  3. Assign Template

  4. Resume 1 Due week 9

Student Resume Template 2020.docx

Week 9 Work

  1. Review Resumes

  2. Assign Resume review times

  3. Complete Career Research Work and any missing work

  4. Discuss purpose of skills set

Week 10 Work

  1. Complete Resume Reviews

  2. Edit 2 versions of resume submitted and reviewed

  3. Complete Career Research Work and any missing work

  4. Move to Cover Letters Week 11 (Quarter 2)