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Frontier Academy
Elementary Library
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Library Catalog (OPAC/Destiny Discover)
Library Updates 2024-2025
Image of Scholastic sign "Thank you for supporting our Book Fair"
September 14, 2024
We’re thrilled to share that we sold over 2,700 books and raised valuable funds to support our school! This event wouldn’t have been possible without the amazing support from our administration, teachers, staff, families, and especially our dedicated volunteers.
A special shoutout to our incredible volunteers: Stacey Schilling, Katie Stinton, Rebekah Billings, Michelle Fried, Keisha Ley, Yadira Ceja, Heather Moore, Steph Gausch, Anavel Dominguez, Crystal Macias, Danielle Ballard, Macee Flores, Kaylee Bumgarner, Addy Bowness, Blake Marcus, and John Granrud.

post August 14,2024
Library schedule, book policy, mission, and how to check your student account!
Image of Family Literacy Night Flyer. September 4th, 5-7PM In the Library. Free Admission. Free Books. Books. Games, Prizes. Crafts. Book Fair. Literacy Resources
post August 14,2024
Wednesday September 4, 5 - 7PM in the Library
This special event will encourage literacy and build community around reading! We'll have free books, games, prizes, crafts, popcorn, and Literacy Resources to help families support student reading success at home.
*The Book Fair will be open late for this event!
Image of Harvest Festival Flyer. Frontier Academy Elementary OPT. Staurday September 7. 11AM-3PM. Students $5. Adults Free. Fooda nd Drink for Purchase. Bring Cas. Games. Prizes. Music. Bouncy Houses. Book Fair. Kona Ice. Georgia Boys BBQ.