Kindergarten Round-Up

Each spring, Frisco ISD elementary schools host registration for students entering kindergarten the following school year. To attend kindergarten, students must be five years of age or older on or before September 1. This early registration process gives parents information to ease the transition into kindergarten and assists the District in planning for enrollment growth and staffing needs. Please take advantage of this opportunity to register your child!

***Don't forget to pack an extra set of clothes for your child in their backpack every day!  Kinders can have accidents (even if they haven't had one in a very long time) and the clinic doesn't always have extra clothes or underwear to fit your child.***

Recommended: 1 pair of pants, 1 shirt, 1 pair of underwear, and 1 pair of socks.

Please discuss bathroom etiquette with your child, they should be flushing the toilet and washing their hands. They must also know how to wipe/clean themselves. Please teach them to pay attention to their bodies and not wait until it is an emergency before going to the restroom.  


Parents: Per State Requirements and District Policy If your child does not have all the required immunizations, they will not be assigned to a class list and will not be able to start school. 

Children can receive their school shots between the ages of 4 and 6 so there is plenty of time to make sure that your child has everything they need in order to start school.

Here is the link for required immunizations : Immunization Information 

Immunization Doses Needed to Start Kindergarten

DTaP (4 or 5--one dose must be on or after 4th birthday)

Polio (3 or 4—one dose must be on or after 4th birthday)

MMR (2—first dose must be on or after 1st birthday)

Hepatitis A (2—first dose must be on or after 1st birthday)

Hepatitis B (3—first may have been received in hospital at birth)

Varicella (2—first dose must be on or after 1st birthday OR note stating student had the disease)

*If an immunization was given more than 4 days before the student’s birth date, the immunization will have to be repeated OR a blood test will be needed to prove immunity and a copy of the results must be provided to the school.


Please take a moment to review the FISD medication policy. Your help in complying with this policy is greatly appreciated. Students are not allowed to carry any medication including cough drops, vitamins or nutritional supplements (like Airborne). All medications must be kept in the nurse’s office. The nurse must dispense all medications to the students. The only exception to this is inhalers and epi-pens that have a release form signed by both you and your child’s doctor on file with the Nurse for them to carry their inhaler or epi-pen in their backpack.

TYLENOL or IBUPROFEN for pain, BENADRYL for allergic reactions, and TUMS are the ONLY oral over the counter medications the nurse may give without a note from your child’s doctor. These medications should be children’s or junior strength and provided by parents in their original containers, accompanied by the FISD Medication Administration form that can be found on my link under “Medication Information”. Please note that I can only dispense 10 doses throughout the school year of the above mentioned over the counter medications without a note from your child’s doctor.

In compliance with FISD Policy, prescription medications, and all other medications (EVEN OVER-THE-COUNTER MEDICATIONS NOT LISTED ABOVE) must have a doctor’s prescription. They must be properly labeled in the original containers (no baggies please) and be accompanied by an official FISD permission form signed by a parent or guardian.

Unfortunately, I am unable to administer ANY medication without your written permission on the above mentioned form. This may seem like a lot of rules/regulations by they were put in place for the safety of all the students at Liscano Elementary.

Snack Safely Guide

The Snack Safely Guide is a catalog of commonly available foods that is continually updated throughout the year. In addition to helping families, the guide is intended as a resource where snacks may be consumed in the presence of children with food allergies.