Program Attendance Policy

Program Attendance Policy

1. All class work and equivalent class time must be made up regardless of absence being Excused or Unexcused.

a. If student is absent on a lecture or classroom day, notes/work must be made up for credit.

b. If student is absent on a production day, equivalent time MUST BE MADE UP within 2 weeks of the absence.

i. This can be before school on a production day (set up kitchen) or

ii. During the student’s lunch period on a production day.

******Either option must be approved by Instructor prior to making up time************

c. For grading purposes, the grade may read “Inc” for Incomplete OR be reduced until the student makes up the time/work and the grade will be entered.

d. If time is NOT made up within 2 weeks, the student will lose the points for the day(s) and the production week grade will be entered accordingly. Multiple occurrences will also warrant a MP grade deduction (see #5 below)

2. The time and work assignment is at the teacher’s discretion.

3. It is the student’s responsibility to approach the teacher and schedule the make up.

4. Doctor’s note, drivers license testing, educational excursions or other school activities/business, even though excused for grading purposes still require time and work make up.

5. For every 3 absences, excused or unexcused will warrant a grade reduction on the report card for the marking period.

· e.g. 3 absences: instead of an “A” the student would earn an A-

6. More than 8 absences for the school year are cause for concern and review of placement in the program.

· School/class absences are reviewed by awarding colleges for credits.

· Chef Instructor recommendation also consider absences for their recommendation criteria.