
Throughout the SPARC Open Education Leadership Program, I have received a great deal of support and guidance. As an early-career librarian, I am very much grateful to all who have guided me throughout this process.

I would first like to thank my supervisor, Kerrie Fergen Wilkes, whose encouragement allowed me to focus my professional development on open education. She has been an unwavering champion of OER on our campus for years. Thank you!

I would also like to thank the SUNY Librarians Association for awarding me with a generous Professional Development Grant to help support my participation in the program.

Thank you to the SPARC instructors and coordinators for their continued support, empathy, and expertise throughout the program. Nicole Allen, Tanya Spilovoy, and Hailey Babb, I am continuously inspired by your passion and advocacy for openness.

A special thank you to my SPARC mentor, Connie Strittmatter, for the steady advice and reassurance.

To my fellow cohort members, congratulations! Thank you all for the great discussions and for sharing your experiences as we all moved through the program together.