
Too soft in high register

Possible Causes:

  • the student is not using enough air support
  • the student is biting too much
  • the reed is not loud enough, most likely too closed and /or old


  • work on scales with a crescendo ascending through the high register (using the air), and saving a decrescendo until close to the bottom of the scale
  • work on flexibility exercises that practice rolling in and out, and adjusting the shape of the oral cavity for pitch instead of biting so much
  • open the reed with hotter water or try a newer reed

When playing softly, the student has poor response and/or notes end too soon, and tends to be sharp in the low register, and flat in the high register

Possible Causes:

  • the student is not using enough air support to keep the reed vibrating as they close their embouchure to play more softly, particularly in the lower registers
  • the student is not adjusting the reed placement to keep the pitch steady (rolling in or out as needed)
  • the reed is too unresponsive


  • work on using enough air to keep the reed vibrating even when getting softer, especially in the low register. May feel counter-intuitive at first
  • work on flexibility and strengthening exercises. Closing the lips, but keeping the oral cavity open and round generally creates the most focused soft dynamic tone
  • loosen reed by scraping over the heart into the tip