Mrs. Ferrell's Guidance

Hello students and parents! I have returned from my maternity leave and I miss everyone so much! I hope you all are doing well! My husband, baby Maddox, and I are doing well! See photos below of us and our growing boy!! :)

During my maternity leave and this quarantine, I thought a lot about what we can take away from this crazy and difficult time we are living in right now! I feel that life is always going to have ups and downs and this time in our lives is one that we are sharing together and we should remember that we can reach out to one another if we are feeling sad, feeling lonely, feeling scared, or just need to talk to someone because we're bored!! We are all here for one another, feel free to reach out- reach out to me or any of our school staff! I feel this is a time where we realize just how strong we really are! It's kind of like we always fear things happening, but then when this crazy unknown and unforeseen virus comes about, we jump into action and we adapt to a new normal.... you then realize how we can handle more than we think we can! I know for all families, this is a difficult time with adapting to so many different things and I'm here to talk if you need me. I hope to offer great resources on this website on how to stay safe, but also give ways to cope during these times, video lessons, May service project information, fun activities to try during your free time, and ideas for family discussions.

Please let me know how I can help you in any way.

With love,

Mrs. Ferrell