About Our School
Franklin County High School is the thirty-third largest high school in Virginia and is located on a thirty acre campus in Rocky Mount. The high school serves approximately 1900 students in grades 9-12 and offers a comprehensive program that includes over 210 courses rooted in strong academics and technical programs. In addition to these academic and technical programs, FCHS has a multitude of opportunities available for students including over forty clubs and thirty-five athletic teams. Through these innovative programs and extra curricular activities, Franklin County High School is committed to preparing students to become good citizens in their community, continue their education at the next level, and join the workforce as dedicated employees.
Grade point averages (GPA) are computed on a 4.0 quality point scale. Pre-AP courses are weighted an additional 0.5 quality point. Advanced Placement and core subject Dual Enrollment courses are weighted an additional 1.0 quality point. We do not rank students.
Grading Scale (Beginning August, 2014)
A -- 90-100
B -- 80-89
C -- 70-79
D -- 60-69
F -- 59 - Below
College Matriculation FCHS Averages Class of 2023
32% of seniors attend a 4-year college
27% of seniors attend a 2-year college
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Diploma Seal of of Biliteracy
The Virginia General Assembly has directed the State Board of Education to establish a system for awarding a diploma Seal of Biliteracy. The following was adopted by the BoE:
The Board of Education’s Seal of Biliteracy certifies attainment of a high level of proficiency by a graduating high school student in one or more languages in addition to English, and certifies that the graduate meets all of the following criteria:
The Board of Education’s Seal of Biliteracy will be awarded to students who earn a Board of Education-approved diploma and (i) pass all required End-of-Course Assessments in English reading and writing at the proficient or higher level; and (ii) be proficient at the intermediate-mid level or higher in one or more languages other than English, as demonstrated through an assessment from a list to be approved by the Superintendent of Public Instruction.
For purposes of this article, “foreign language” means a language other than English, and includes American Sign Language.
If you feel that you meet these qualifications, please visit this link in order to view and complete the application.
The Every Student Succeeds Act requires that each local school division must notify parents of their option to opt-out of students directory information being shared with military recruiters or institutions of higher learning. Please notify Kristi Pruitt at 483-0221 if you wish to opt out.