
Useful tools and data sets

Allen Cell tools and data sets

Allen Brain tools and data sets

Protein atlas

SFARI gene database (over 45TB of gene sequencing data on ASD)

String-db [protein network interaction analysis] [network interaction analysis, including API to string-db]

Antibody search

IHC fluorescence channel cross-talk viewer

ImmPort: a large NIH-funded immunology data repository

BioNumbers project: quantitative biology

Translate brain developmental timeline between species

Readability assessment: helps you write clearer layman summaries of your work

Recent review on HRV measures

Paylines at NIH

Batch transfer a list of references from a text document into a format a library management software like EndNote understands

If the above site for reference parsing does not work for you, try this instead

Figuring out a color scheme for your talk, Jupyter notebook graphics or a website? This website helps match colors based on your input or offering predefined palettes; HEX codes are provided for plug and play.

Help to choose the optimal journal for your manuscript based on abstract (parses PubMed and matches to your abstract)

SPSS to Excel conversion (makes xls file from your sav data file)

Bayesian calculator

Sample Size & study power calculator (online)

Open Science Framework (intends to be a free online platform to rule them all: Figshare, GitHub, etc - all to help manage a project from conception to production stages)

Fetal ECG database: simulated and recorded datasets and fECG extraction algorithms

PhysioZoo: Heart Rate Variability analysis of human and animal electrophysiological data

Digital Pathology meets Machine Learning: a series of tools in Python from Dr. Andrew Janowczyk at Emory U

A beautifully made online accessible gene database for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) researchers


Word-wide child mortality data

U.S. Healthcare Data

Our World in Data: 3081 charts across 297 topics. All free: open access and open source. Based at the University of Oxford.

The largest biometric & symptoms Corona Virus data hub of its kind from the German Robert Koch Institute (kind of like CDC in the US)

Useful code or IDEs

My GitHub page [under links you can find various tools some of which I linked below as well]

Cloud-based free big data plotting and analysis platform

Free online tool to create beautiful figures, online and offline, that self-update as new data come in

Tag cloud generator | another version (more flexibility)

Correlation vs. causation: a visualization of spurious correlations

Python hands-on textbook and Jupyter Notebooks

Help choosing the right machine learning tool

Exploratory - freely (education version) available R-based GUI for handling offline and online large data sets (big data kind of large) with ease and a host of functionality (table pivoting, visualization, statistics)

DataIKU - a Python-based ML platform

Jupyter Lab - stable browser-based Python and R IDE including Jupyter for reproducible reporting 

MLBox - automated machine learning python library

Various MLOps: an extensive collection of tools for data sciences, from feature engineering to modeling to serving as a service and monitoring

Deep Learning Textbook

Interpretable ML textbook

An introductory review on deep learning in medicine and biology (April 2018)

Deep Neural Network Interpretability: try this Activation Atlas approach

HiPlot - Facebook Research's lightweight interactive visualization tool to help AI researchers discover correlations and patterns in high-dimensional data using parallel plots and other graphical ways to represent information

NAS energy estimator

Time series analysis

EEGLAB extensions

nipy Python in Neuroscience: MNE = MEG and EEG analysis and visualization in Python

pyunicorn - Unified Complex Network and RecurreNce analysis toolbox

JIDT - Java Information Dynamics Toolkit for time series analysis; it allows you to compute several information-theoretic measures of information processing in complex systems, i.e. information storage, transfer and modification. It works out of the box as a JVM, is open source and can also be easily integrated in your Python, R, Matlab/Octave or Julia code.

The Large Time/Frequency Analysis Toolbox (LTFAT) for Matlab or Octave

TISEAN - a non-linear time series analysis toolbox and tutorial as stand-alone core package with existing ports and wrappers into Python (for example) and R

Physionet HRV toolbox WFDB as a bucket or a Python package