1st Grade Art

Art units we will be exploring during first grade include :

CRITIQUE “The Art of Seeing”

DRAWING and PAINTING: “Observational and Expressive”

PRINTMAKING : “Make Your Mark”

COLLAGE : “Drawing with Scissors”


FIBER ARTS : “Woven Connections”

CLAY : “Pottery and Functional Art”

Standards Based Grading

Our school district uses Standards Based Grading. Multiple means of assessment will be used throughout the school year including oral questioning, teacher observation, exit tickets, group projects and assessments. To the right is a visual explanation of the letter grades your child receives on the skills/standards that are taught in the art room.

In addition to these your student may receive an "I" for Insufficient Evidence. This means the teacher does not have enough evidence to assess the standard - perhaps the child was absent when the assignment was given or they refused to complete the work.

1st Grade Project Examples

5 Little Expressive Pumpkins

Dia de los Muertos Calaveras

Starry Night Winter Landscapes

Faith Ringgold Cityscapes

Prints Galore!

Robert Indiana Love Collages

Shape Mandalas

Piet Mondrian Primary Color Abstracts

Andy Warhol Printmaking Flowers