Academic and career success go hand in hand with social and emotional wellness. To accomplish great things, we first need to take care of ourselves. Wellness means health in all areas of our lives - physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social. Our relationships with others - family, friends, teachers, peers, etc. are also vital to our wellness. This section offers tips to guide you in the difference areas of wellness. Please remember your school counselor is here to help you!

Need help right now? If you are between the ages of 10 and 24, live in New Jersey, and need to talk about an issue or problem that you are facing, call 2nd Floor, the NJ Youth Helpline 888-222-2228 anytime or text them at 888-222-2228. Are you worried you or someone might be suicidal? Call The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 (TALK)

Are you or someone you know in a relationship that may be unhealthy or dangerous? Go to to learn about healthy versus unhealthy relationships, safety planning, and how to get help.

Tips for Talking with Parents in a Healthy and Productive Way

Are you and your parents getting on each other's nerves? Do you have a hard time trying to talk with your parents without getting into an argument, or do you feel like you are always on the defensive with them?

Here are some communication tips!