Parent Teacher Home Visits Program Framingham Public Schools

WHY Parent Teacher Home Visits?

The Framingham Public Schools is resuming the home visits program in partnership with Parent Teacher Home Visits, a non-profit, grassroots network, in an effort to build stronger relationships with our families. Consistent with Framingham Public Schools mission, vision, and Strategic Plan objectives, District leadership and the Framingham Teachers Association (FTA) are proud to partner in this important community outreach effort.

The Parent Teacher Home Visits program is voluntary (both on the part of trained FPS educators and families wishing to participate) and aims to create relationships between the Framingham Public Schools and our families. The program is about raising awareness of hopes and dreams for our students and how we, together as a school community, can realize that vision together.

Experiences with Parent Teacher Home Visits have proven that this program has increased student academic achievement and improved family engagement in schools. It has brought educators and families closer together and created opportunities for better communication between home and school.

Families may be contacted by their child’s teacher to participate in a voluntary, brief (30-40 minute) home visit. This is a time for educators to get to know our families so that those expressed hopes and dreams can become a reality. Educators will visit in teams of two and interpreters can be provided, if necessary.


This site is mainly geared towards staff, but please feel free to peruse if you are interested in more information about how home visits work. Your child's teacher(s) might reach out to you about doing a home visit. While we encourage you to accept this invitation because we believe in the benefits of home visits, the program is completely voluntary. 


Under the information tab you will find who the site coordinators are in each school, which staff members in our district have already been trained in parent teacher home visits, links to all newsletters, and more. 

If you are interested in doing home visits and/or being trained, please reach out to the site coordinator in your school!

Framingham Public Schools' PTHVP Coordinator

Hello, my name is Megan Quinlan, and I am excited to be the district coordinator for the Framingham Public Schools' Parent Teacher Home Visits Program. I am the Language Development Coach at Fuller Middle School and was the PTHV Site Coordinator at Fuller when we participated in the pilot program back in 2016.  I saw first hand how transformative home visits are for families, teachers, administrators, and students which is why I am thrilled to lead this charge.  Thank you, Dr. Tremblay, for partnering with educators to bring PTHVs back to Framingham!