Who can go on a home visit?

Any Framingham Public Schools employee who has gone through a parent teacher home visits training can participate in a home visit.

How do students get chosen for a home visit?

Home visits are for any and all students in the Framingham Public Schools. FPS employees go on home visits to build relationships with their students' families and home visits are completely voluntary. 

Do you get paid for going on a home visit?

How long is a home visit?

A home visit is 30-40 minutes in duration. You get paid for one hour at the hourly rate of $28.49. This one hour includes the 30-40 minute visit and 20 minutes to set up the visit/complete a Google survey afterwards. If you choose to stay longer than the 40 minutes, you will still be paid for just one hour of your time.

Can I go on a home visit if I am not trained?

YES. For now, you may go on a home visit as long as your partner is trained. Home visits must always happen in pairs; employees may not go on a home visit alone. If language support is needed, that third person will join the home visit and also be paid.

Will there be more trainings this year?

YES. A training will be offered over the next few months. Stay tuned for information about that!

What if a family does not want to do the visit where they live?

That is fine. Parents and educators have met in parks, community centers, and other public locations depending on comfort and availability. The intention is to show parents that the teacher cares and is willing to go beyond the comfort zone of the school building in extending friendship.

Is the student required to be at the visit?

No. It is encouraged, but not required.

What is the protocol for sibling home visits?

When staff members visit two students who are siblings, the visits need to be logged and entered separately, meaning that each staff member needs to submit two surveys. The visit should naturally go longer since caregivers are sharing and discussing hopes and dreams for two children instead of one, so staff need to enter 4-5PM for one visit and 5-6PM for the second, for example.