Online Workshop

Welcome to our Online Bootcamp Workshop

We are so excited to be continuing a one to one initiative and allow out students take their learning device with them during the day and even home. This initiative really changes the playing field of how teachers can instruct students as we look to the possibilities that are in front of us. Our schools are in a transitional time and we are continually working to transform the teaching and learning environment for our students.

How to complete our 1:1 Chromebook Online Workshop

Parents, please complete this with your child.

1. Review 1:1 Program Documentation - 1:1 Student Handbook and Chromebook Protection Plans (found below)

2. Review Workshop Presentations (found below)

4. Fill out and submit Google Form found at the bottom of the page.

5. Complete and return 1:1 Chromebook Protection Plan (hard copies available)

Documentation for our 1:1 Program

Below you'll find the documentation needed for our 1:1 program.  Please review all material for the appropriate grade level.

*Reminder* Please submit $25 check made payable to "Florham Park Board of Education" if participating in the Chromebook Protection Plan.

Chromebook Protection Plan Form 23-24 - All Grades

1:1 Parent/Student Handbook - All Grades

1:1 Handbook

Workshop Presentations

Below you'll find three videos that covers different aspects of our 1:1 program. Also included is our Google Slides presentation that was used at our Parent/Student Bootcamps. Please review all of the material in these presentations, as well as the activities that accompany them. 

*Note: You can make the presentations full screen by clicking on the small square next to the gear.

CB Bootcamp Part

1:1 Handbook, Protection Plan, Content Filtering, Home Use - Video

Chromebook Apps and Programs - Video

Educational Components to

Educational Components - Video

1:1 Bootcamp - Online Workshop Version

1:1 Parent Bootcamp Presentation

Online Course Acknowledgment

Below is our online course acknowledgement form. Please complete this form after reviewing and watching all material on this page.