Furze Platt Juniors 2023-24 Newsletter 

Newsletter 12: 24th July 2024

Farewell Y6 and happy holidays!

The last few weeks have been super busy with trips, transition, Y6 production, Oscars ceremony and of course the Y6 Leavers' assembly today.  It is always hard to say goodbye to 90 children that we all know so well after being at the school for 4 years, but we know they are set up well for their next step in education and we thank them for all their hard work during their time at FPJS.  They have certainly done us proud with their fantastic SATs results:  Our combined score for children who have met the expected standard was 72% which is well above the national average (62%). Other results are as follows:

Maths: 84% achieved expected (national 73%); 34% achieved higher standards (national 23%)

Reading:  82% achieved expected (national 74%); 36% achieved higher standards (national 28%)

Spelling, Grammar & Punctuation:  74% (national 72%); 37% achieved higher standards (national 31%)

We also want to say a huge thank you to all the staff at FPJS.  It has not been an easy year for us due to a number of staff changes, unexpected illnesses and OFSTED! However, we know how hard our staff work and are so dedicated to their roles and despite some challenges, the children have made excellent progres.  We are incredibly proud of our staffing team.  It is sad to say goodbye to some key members of staff today but we wish them all the best for the future, and I am sure they will look back at their time at FPJS with fondness.  We have always had a team ethos at the school, and hopefully you will see this in our end of term staff film (produced by Joe Lutteman, who is leaving us!). Click on the link below to see our mad end of year production!

Also a huge thank you to the FPSA who have done a fantastic job of continuing to raise additional funds which provide the icing on the cake for our pupils- we have plan for improving and exending our play areas next year with the money!

Finally thank you so much to the supportive attitude of parents. Your feedback has been invaluable to continue the make FPJS the outstanding school that it is and we really do appreciate every message of thanks- it helps us keep going!

Enjoy a wonderful summer everyone!  Goodbye to all the families who have reached the end of their journey with us and we look forward to seeing everyone else again in September!  See the dates for when we return below!

Anna Clark, Head of School & Mike Wallace, Executive Headteacher

Staff update

In our previous newsletter, we shared with you some of our staff who are leaving at the end of next term.

We also say a sad farewell to Mrs Sarah Clark, who has worked at FPJS for over 8 years as a teaching assistant.  Mrs S Clark has worked mostly with Y3 during her time at the school and has been an incredibly experienced TA supporting children with catch up interventions and phonics.  Her love of teaching has enabled her to move on to bigger and better things and she will be teaching A level Design and Technology from September!  We are incredibly sad to see Mrs S Clark leave, but we wish her well in her new exciting role.

We now have a complete staff team for September. As you will see below, we have a number of new faces for our staffing for September. We welcome:

Mrs Robinson, who is a highly experienced TA and joins us from a nearby school.  Mrs Robinson knows the school well as she is also a parent!  Mrs Robinson will be joining our Y3 team

Miss Crane is a new appointment to our Y3 team.  Miss Crane comes to us with lots of experience with supporting children at Explore Learning.

Mrs Fareed is another highly experienced TA who joins us from working in a school in Slough. She will be joining our Y4 team.

Mrs Marashi is an experienced TA who has worked with us on a supply basis previously.  She was very keen to join our team on a permanent basis and we are delighted she will be joining our Y5 team.  She also knows this year group well.

Miss Bowden joins our Y6 team.  Miss Bowden is also an experienced TA, having worked in another school in Maidenhead.  

Mrs Dearnaley also joins our Y6 team- her name may be familiar because she lives on site and is married to Mr Dearnaley, our site controller! Mrs Dearnaley has a wealth of experience with supporting children with mental health needs and she is keen to join the FPJS family in full!

Mr George Dearnaley- has already begun working with us at FPJS as part of the site team and supporting Mr T Dearnaley in Mr Vogel's absence- and is also Mr Dearnaley's nephew!

Quick Links

Diary Dates for Term 1:

FPJS Election

Exciting News from the School Council Election!

The 4th July was not only the General Election but election day at FPJS organised by School Council. 

Six enthusiastic parties each presented a unique manifesto outlining how they would spend a budget of £500 to improve our school environment.

As part of the voting experience, children registered to vote beforehand and were issued with personalised polling cards.  One of the classrooms was transformed into an authentic fully-fledged polling station including alphabetical tables where children were ticked off the voting register, voting booths (with pencils attached with string to the tables so they couldn’t be pinched!) and a sealed ballot box.

Following several lunch times of campaigning and eye-catching party posters decorating the school, the atmosphere was buzzing with excitement as students lined up to vote for their favourite party.  A total of 355 students cast their votes (a turn out of 96.5% - much better than the UK average!).

The votes were tallied, spoilt ballot papers discarded, and the winning party was ‘The Over Dogs’! Their compelling campaign to upgrade the playground equipment and introduce a duck hatching project was an overwhelmingly approved by the students. This idea promises not only fun but also a valuable learning experience as we will get to watch the process of ducks hatching from eggs.

Thank you to those who voted for joining in and to the parties for their creative ideas. This election has been a fantastic way to illustrate to children British values and the democratic processes in real life.

Stay tuned for updates on the implementation of the winning party’s plans!

Mrs Sweatman- School Council lead

Y5 trip to Cadbury World

On the 5th of July, the year 5 children enjoyed a fun and educational visit to Cadbury world! This chocolatey trip brought our wider curriculum learning to life; they learned even more about the Mayan civilisation as well as the origins of one of the world’s favourite sweet treats. They also did Furze Platt proud with the way in which if they conducted themselves and represented the school. Well done year 5!

Y5 team

Y4 trip to Longridge

Wow- what a brilliant time all of Year 4 had at Longridge. We were incredibly lucky with the weather and I know the children had an absolutely wonderful time. A highlight for me was watching each of the groups take part in the raft building, working together to decide the best way to tie the ropes, balance when on the water and drifting out on it- this gave me quite the giggle! 

The children took part in various activities including: stand up paddle boarding, the climbing wall, laser tag and the giant swing. Not only did all of the children show brilliant resilience, having a go at various activities they may not have done before, but they were also respectful to the staff working at Longridge and their group leaders. I was incredibly proud of them all. 

What a fantastic memory and way to end their time in Year 4. 

Miss Keating-Bell

Y3 Copas Farm Trip

On Tuesday 9th July, the Year 3 children were lucky enough to have a visit to Copas' farm in Cookham. As part of our Design and Technology topic, we have been fruit tasting and deciding on what we would like to put in our own fruit salads. We decided to have a morning out at the farm to pick some of our own fruit which included strawberries, plums and raspberries. The children had an absolutely wonderful time and we even managed to miss most of the rain! In the afternoon we then cut the fruit and made our own fruit salads which looked delicious! Well done Year 3 - you were fantastically behaved as always and walked back safely and sensibly. 

Mrs Barry- Y3 Team

Y6 Business Project

Year 6 have been busy creating their own businesses in small groups. They were given £10 to buy and make their own products to raise money for their chosen charities. This year, after a whole year group vote we will be splitting the money raised between two charities: Stand up to cancer and Muscular Dystrophy UK. We raised a brilliant £1120.04 which will be equally split between these two charities. 

It was brilliant to see so much creativity with the products the children had created including: pom-pom pets, bracelets, paper fish, bookmarks, earrings and much more. This year, the children also created lots of games and services to entice their customers including fortune telling, hair braiding, spin the wheel, lucky dips and penalty shoot outs! 

All teams worked really hard to raise money for charity and have learnt some useful skills about business. We have definitely spotted some brilliant entrepreneurs in the year group! Well done Year 6!

Miss Morales- Y6 Team

Y6 Play "Pirates of the Curry Bean"

Well done to all our Y6 children who put on a fantastic performance of "The Pirates of the Curry Bean" on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of last week.  It was an epic display of what a talented bunch of children we have at the school and every child really did have a chance to shine on the stage!  Well done to all of the Y6 staff who really did go over and above with ensuring it was a performance worthy of the west-end stage!  The costumes, scenery, lighting and props were all fabulous and added to the wonderful production.  Thank you to all the parents you have generously donated to our just-giving page which will enable us to continue to put on such high quality productions in the future!  If you didn't get a chance to donate on the night- here is the link:

Mrs Clark

Y6 Oscars Ceremony

Our annual Y6 FPJS Oscars Ceremony took place on the penultimate day of school.  This was a chance to watch all of the films created by the Y6 children as part of their computing and music curriculum this term.  All the children wrote original screenplays, and composed music scores using garageband.  The children had also learned how to use camera angles to good effect to help with the story telling.  Well done to all of the children who had created some excellent films- there are definitely some budding directors and actors of the future in this cohort!

Great Guitar Concert!

Well done to all our FPJS guitarists who have been practising hard all year with and put on a great end of year concert last week.  Mr Hastings, guitar teacher for many years, was thrilled with the quality of the children's performance.  Well done to the children below who recently passed Grade 2, ALL  with high marks!

Distinction:  Skye E, Henry B, Aidan C, Maria M

Merit:  Chizara O, Nate S

Stars of the week - Class Stars & PE Stars

Newsletter Star of the week July 24th

Well done to all our stars this year!  Here are our final stars of the year!

Our stars are chosen from following the values of the school:  Passion, Well-being and respect.

Progress Prizes 2024 Y3-Y5

Congratulations to the following children in Y3-Y5 who were chosen for making the MOST progress this year overall in each class.  Well done! Y6 prizes for the year can be found under the Y6 section.

Final House Points total of the year

Well done to Danes who just beat Vikings to become the house with the most house points of the year!

TT Rock stars- Top Ten speediest of the year (by year group!)

Well done to all of our children who have worked hard to improve the speed of their TT rockstars recall this week- in our final newsletter this year, we reveal the top 10 fastest children in the year and the top 10 children who have made the most progress since September.  Well done

Top Ten Progress this year

Bedrock Learning- Top Ten progress this year- (by year group)

Well done to...

Well done to Pippa B in Y6 who completed her challenge to  climb to the summit of Mount Snowdon.   She battled her way to the top through wind and rain and was a little warrior - not complaining once!

She has raised over £640 for the school, smashing her £500 target- we are incredibly proud of Pippa!  

Well done to Poppy and Scarlett for winning Gold and Silver medals in their gymnastics club competition!  Fantastic effort!

Caring cards

Well done to all the pupils from FPJS who made a birthday card for Pamela or Hilda, two residents at St Mark's Care Home. Hilda celebrated her 104th birthday on the 6th of July and Pamela her 101st birthday on the 9th of July.  Staff at St Mark's Care Home asked for help from the local community with presenting Hilda and Pamela with 104 cards and 101 cards respectively to mark their milestone birthdays. The children created some wonderful cards and contributed to the many received - well over the expected number! It is so great to see how even a small but thoughtful gesture can make a difference and put a smile on someone's face.

Miss Scott- Y5 team

Sports Update

PE News

It's official!  We have been accredited with the prestigious sportsmark GOLD award!!  The School Games Mark is a government-led awards scheme launched in 2012 to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community and we are incredibly proud to receive the accolade due to our aims to ensure all children have the opportunity to take part in competitions throughout their time at FPJS.

Miss Gill & Mrs Tisshaw

Sports Day 2024

Arguably the biggest event of the year, Sports Day is a special day in our school calendar. The weather was perfect, gazebos were up, and house captains marched their houses to anthems and a hope of victory.

Over the years, thanks to Mr Wallace’s ‘big ideas’, sports day has grown at FPJS into a mini Olympic Games. It includes track and field events (long jump, chest push, howler, and ball throw), sprint heats and finals and records to break. However, it would not be an FPJS sports day without obstacle, egg and spoon, sack, and our tradition of atalanta with its bean bags. 

It was a wonderful morning of effort and entertainment for all, with 10 new records broken and children feeling successful at trying their best. A big well done goes to; all the children for their team spirit and supportiveness towards each other, the parents for cheering them along, and our staff who didn’t sit down for 4 hours. ALthough, sports day is not only about physical challenge; it’s also about a house win! A big round of applause and massive cup were awarded to the Romans, who won for the second successive time in 25 years. 

Sports Day Record Holders

Well done to the following children who have all smashed our FPJS Sports day records this year:

Skipping 9.87s Y4 Adya P

Atalanta 20.59s Y3 Amelia K

Obstacle 24.77s Y6 Ella S

Obstacle 27.03s Y5 Archie CT 

Obstacle 27.28s Y4 Ivan P

Howler - 40.6m Y6 Dylan J

Long jump - 217cm Y6 Roman J

Long distance 2m 57s Y5 Bea F

Chest push 8.25m Y6 Sophia D

Long distance 1m 46s Fred S

Berkshire Games Summer Festival 2024

We have been very lucky with the Berkshire Games as this year we qualified for 4 events and were invited to attend 2 more. The 6 invites were: Quadkids, Footgolf, Boccia, New Age Kurling, Super 6 Touch Rugby and Speed Stacking. Reports below.

Quadkids Finals

The level of competition was tough for our 10 athletes: Bea, Elsie, Freya, Kimberley, Immy, Aidan C, Aidan H, Dylan, Jack Jones, and Roman. We gained 9 out of 10 gold level awards, with the silver only 2 points away! This was the highest number of gold awards from all 12 schools. Nevertheless, there were some high-scoring golds from other schools, which meant we achieved overall 3rd place – a great achievement. Our top girl was Kimberley (6th placed girl) and our top boy was Aidan C (9th placed boy). Well done to our fantastic team for their amazing efforts and scores. A Huge thank-you to Jen Francis for attending and supporting at the event!

1st  John Rankin: 1,842

2nd Falkland: 1,802

3rd Furze Platt Junior: 1,778

Speed Stacking

12 year 6 pupils took part in the newest event on offer from our sports partnership: speed stacks. It is an international sport currently operating in 54 countries and with programs in over 55,131 schools and organisations. Sport Stacking is an amazing sport of fitness, agility, concentration, and quickness and it is gaining popularity in the UK. It was a morning of energy and skills enjoyed by all. Well done team. The sport is best undestood via this link: https://www.speedstacks.com/.  


Boccia is an indoor sport that suits the skill of precision - similar to boules and bowls. FPJS attended the Boccia Finals at the County festival as reigning champions - so the pressure was on to retain the title! The team consisted of 3 pupils from yrs 5 and 6: Mohsin, Andrew and Lily, with Mrs B and Mrs Ridley as coaches! The team won their first two games with a great score of 5 in one of these games. They drew the next but then continued with a winning streak! The pupils had a great day and the experience of competing in a final was very exciting for them, especially with their gold medals. Well done!

New Age Kurling

Our New age Kurling team: Joseph T, Sam Browitt, Betsy and Phoenix were well seasoned NAK superstars. They played well and won in two matches and drew one. Unfortunately, when scores were announced, they were not placed in the top 3 and did not receive a medal. However, their precision play was excellent and they should feel proud of their achievements. A big thank you goes to Mr Talbot who attended the competition with Miss Gill.   


12 members of Eagle class took part in footgolf against 12 other schools. We have lots of talented footgolf players and the team scored highly on all obstacles, winning the competition overall and achieving golf medals! Well done!  A big thank you to Mrs Ellis and Katie who came along to help out. 

Footgolf is a great sporting activity for groups of friends and family of all ages. The game involves kicking a football into a hole in as few kicks as possible. Footgolf uses the same model as golf with a fairway, tees and 9 or 18 holes but the golf club is your leg and foot and the golf ball, a football. There is a club in Wokingham open to the public so why not have a go this summer! https://www.wokinghamfamilygolf.co.uk/

Year 5/6 Super 6 Touch Rugby Festival

On Tuesday 9th July, Furze Platt took part in a Touch Rugby festival alongside 5 other schools at Maidenhead Rugby Club. The children enjoyed lots of skills-based exercises to start off the day. Once all of the exercises had been completed, the children got stuck into some games against the other schools. The children did superbly well, finishing the day with 3 wins, 1 draw and 1 loss, with the children playing some unbelievable rugby during the day. I look forward to the next touch rugby competition next year. 

Mr King

Year 5/6 Girls Cricket County Finals

On Thursday 11th July, Furze Platt went over to Wokingham cricket club for county finals. There were over 11 schools competing on the day, with only us and another school representing Maidenhead. Unfortunately, we came up against some very strong cricketing schools and didn't make it through to the semi finals. However, the girls played superbly well as a team and had an enjoyable day out. We look forward to competing again next year. 

Mr Sawle

Girls Football Festival

Eight of our Y5/6 Football Team attended a Football Festival at All Saints Junior School. The girls played 3 really good competitive matches against All Saints A and B team along with St Edmund Campion. 

The first match against All Saints B team was a close game where the team gradually became more and more confident. The team scored two quick fire goals and played some excellent flowing football. FPJS won this match 2-0. 

The second match against All Saints A was another competitive match. All Saints had a very strong defence and stopped a lot of chance that the girls created. However, the team didn’t stop pressing high and playing strong attacking football. They eventually scored and this derailed the All Saints defence. FPJS finished the game 5-0 winners. 

The third match, FPJS were full of confidence. The girls played incredible passing football, making chance after chance. This game was the best the girls had played and they deservedly won 6-0. Showing incredible attacking football and a controlled defence. 

A great afternoon out for the FPJS girls football team. Well done! 

Mr Sawle

Annual FPJS New Age Kurling

On Friday, July 12th, 40 pupils from years 3 to 6 competed in the 8th annual NAK event. The afternoon activities were made successful with the help of FPJS staff: Mrs Ing, Miss Gina, Mrs White, Miss Gill, Miss Jordan and Mrs Tisshaw, and the help of the pupils from Heron class who took on sport leading roles. The competition was exciting, and first place was won by team 5.

PE stars of the year

Well done the the following children in Y3-Y5 who were voted the PE star of the Year for their class.

Year Group Updates

Year 3 News

Over the past 2 weeks the children in Year 3 have been very busy indeed. 

In English, the children created their own letters for the children in Year 2 explaining how much fun they have had in Year 3 and what they have enjoyed the most. The children showed real passion when writing these and could not wait to share them. 

In maths, the children have been working hard on consolidating all of the skills they have learned this year. This has included reading 2 way tables, reading and solving word problems and finding change with money. 

In computing, the children have been using stop, start motion and have created their own videos which have been wonderful. 

In science, the children looked at how shadows are formed and how these changed over the day. They worked together to draw around their shadows at different points in the day. 

As part of our RE topic, the children thoroughly enjoyed answering the quiz on Sikhism and this has helped support all of their knowledge. 

In DT, the children enjoyed creating their own fruit salad using fruits picked from Copas' farm - they were delicious. 

What an absolutely fantastic year we have had in Year 3! It has been full of exciting trips, visits to school, themed days and some key learning which has been fun and engaging. 

It has been a real pleasure to have these amazing children this year and as much as we will miss them, they are now ready for Year 4 and we could not be more proud of all of the progress they have all made. 

Good luck Year 3 - we know you will continue to grow next year.

Mrs Barry- Y3 Team Leader

Year 4 News

With a brilliant trip, beautiful memories and hard work- we draw Year 4 to a close.

Over the past few weeks we have been tying up end of term projects- one being our baking unit in D&T. The children thoroughly enjoyed learning all about the importance of following a recipe, quantities and instructions. They also took on the challenge of deciding which would be the best ingredient of their own to add to a recipe to achieve a desired outcome of sweet or savoury. If you didn't get the chance to try your child's scones you should certainly ask them to make you one in the future- they turned out brilliantly!

In English, the children worked on writing a letter to their new teacher to tell them all about Year 4, their greatest challenges, achievements and things that have helped them to be successful. The purpose of this was to give an insight to their new teachers about them and also to showcase the their best writing. These were lovely to read and several of the teachers and TAs said they had a tear in their eye while reading them. 

Finally, the children finished up the year with a range of activities, such as transition afternoon, watching the Year 6 play and going to the Year 6 business project. On behalf of the Year 4 team, we would like to pass on how well behaved the children have been in the run up to the end of term and the continued passion for school they have displayed. 

As the children finish up for the summer, I know I will look back on fond memories with each and everyone of them- which I too hope they will have. They have been a pleasure to teach this year group and each and everyone should be proud of the progress and personal achievements they have made. 

Have a lovely summer, stay safe and live life to the full!

Miss Keating-Bell  Y4 Team Leader

Year 5 News

What an amazing last few weeks our pupils have had as Year 5s at FPJS! Eagles, Kites and Kestrels are all ready to spread their wings and fly off into year 6 … Not before a well-deserved summer break however.

The year 5s have done us proud this end of term, with completing all their topics and projects.

They have done a fabulous job of writing reflective letters to their new year 6 teachers. The final published pieces will serve not only as a written memory of some of the best moments and greatest achievements from year 5 but also as an introduction of themselves and their strengths to their teachers to come.

In Maths, they have continued to learn about volume, using manipulatives to help conceptualise their learning before moving onto word problems.

The Year 5s thoroughly enjoyed their trip to Cadbury World, where they behaved brilliantly and had a talk and tour, which featured the Mayan peoples’ involvement in the early history of cocoa in c AD 900.

In DT, children have learnt about how ‘fast fashion’ can affect our world and the importance of reducing, recycling and reusing. They have been reusing T-shirts to design and create their own tote bags, which have turned out beautifully! Children had to use backstitch to sew their T-shirts into bags.  They then decorated these by using tie-dye, adding applique using off-cuts and other materials and adding jewels or sequins.

They also each contributed a card to celebrate two amazing ladies from St Mark's Care Home. Hilda turned 104 and Pamela turned 101; they were thrilled to receive hundreds of cards and well wishes from their local community.

Well done Year 5s for all your hard work this year! You have been fabulous and we wish you all the very best in year 6 and a lovely, relaxing summer holiday.

Miss Scott & Y5 Team

Year 6 News

What a finale to a brilliant year! The final few weeks have been jam packed with exciting projects from business projects to Oscars. 

In between, the children have been writing reflections of their time at FPJS focusing on some of their core memories. We have thoroughly enjoyed hearing some of their fond memories and it has been really enjoyable for the children to reminisce and laugh together.

We finished off our food technology unit and all of the students made pizzas in the hall. They learnt how to kneed dough and discussed the effects of yeast and letting dough prove. From the speed the children ate their pizzas and their large cheesy grins it was clear they were very tasty!

We couldn't be prouder of the Year 6's this year and we know they are all ready to take their next step into secondary school. We hope they take their resilience, positivity and brilliant work ethic with them and continue to do their best everyday. 

They have all had a very fun but intense few weeks and they are very well deserving of a relaxing summer holidays. We wish them all the best and we hope they come back to visit to let us know how they are getting on. 

Good luck and well done Year 6!

Miss Morales, Y6 Team Leader

Y6 Outstanding Achievement and Progress Awards

Year Group Curriculum Maps for 2024-25

Our updated curriculum for next year can be found on our website or below:

SRC_2024_newsletter_to_families (1).pdf

Books for the summer- GET AHEAD FOR NEXT YEAR

We absolutely love books at Furze Platt Junior School!  We love reading for pleasure and we encourage all our children to love books as much as we do.  Our teachers are constantly on the lookout for new and exciting reads and we regularly update our library with current reads.  

If you are struggling for ideas for your children, here are a brilliant lists of recommended reads.  Remember, you can often get these books from the library.  Children love to browse and look through books too - so it is a great summer activity to get into!  Try the library challenge too for an added incentive:

This year's theme is Marvellous Makers-  you can find out more at your local library.

Year 3 recommended reads:  https://schoolreadinglist.co.uk/reading-lists-for-ks2-school-pupils/reading-list-for-year-3-pupils-ks2-age-7-8/

Year 4 recommended reads: https://schoolreadinglist.co.uk/reading-lists-for-ks2-school-pupils/suggested-reading-list-for-year-4-pupils-ks2-age-8-9/

Year 5 recommended reads: https://schoolreadinglist.co.uk/reading-lists-for-ks2-school-pupils/suggested-reading-list-for-year-5-pupils-ks2-age-9-10/

Year 6 recommended reads:  https://schoolreadinglist.co.uk/reading-lists-for-ks2-school-pupils/suggested-reading-list-for-year-6-pupils-ks2-age-10-11/

FPSA Updates

Sports Day (Infants & Juniors) - Friday 28th June

Thank you to the Early Years parents who purchased a coloured sports day t-shirt and cap for their child, they looked great in their red, blue, green and yellow top and caps.

As is tradition, the FPSA provided fruit for the Juniors children in the morning and we also sold refreshments for the watching parents. Together the Sports Day activities raised over £1,100.

Summer Camp (Sat/Sun 13th/14th July)

After a break last year, the summer camp was back. Just under 100 adults and children joined in the fun on the Juniors sports field which included a BBQ, bouncy castle, bar and tuck shop. The Super Mario Bros. film was shown in the Juniors hall. It was great to see plenty of early years children come for their first school summer camp., an event which raised around £670 for both schools. The camp will return in July 2025.

Year 6 Play Refreshments Thank you to everyone who visited the tuck shop at the year 6 play evening performances. There is still time to donate to the year 6 play fund: https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/pirates

Uniform labels

We have an updated discount code for buying school uniform labels from the 'Easy2Name' company. Simply order from the following site: https://www.easy2name.com/stickeasy, quote code 'FR-FPIS-72' and you will get free delivery and the school will get 20% of the money. These labels will help the schools return mislaid uniform and will help cut down on the lost property boxes.

Windsor & Maidenhead Community Lottery

This is a weekly lottery that raises money for good causes in the Royal Borough including the FPSA. Tickets for the lottery cost just £1 and from that 60p goes to good causes including 50p to the FPSA. Each ticket has a 1 in 50 chance to win a prize each week with a top prize of £25,000! So please sign up and buy a weekly ticket or two using the following link: https://www.windsorandmaidenheadcommunitylottery.co.uk/support/furze-platt-schools-association 

Fundraising evens in the 2023/2024 School Year

The FPSA would like to say a huge thank you to parents, children and staff for supporting all of our fundraising events in this school year. We have run the following events/activities:

EY tea party, Junior Discos, Year 2 School Quiz, Happy Bags collections, 2nd hand uniform sales, Christmas cards, Christmas Fair, foreign currency collection, quiz nights, adult disco night, Junior sports day refreshments, EY sports day t-shirts/caps, Friday ice-cream sales, Summer Fair, Summer Camp, Year 6 leavers hoodies, Year 6 play refreshments and Year 2 Leavers Disco.

FPSA money has been spent on the following items over the last 12-18 months:

Infants - weighted blankets and covers, pond area redevelopment, books and postcards for workshop area, wicker pods & cushions, classroom resources including ‘Great Fire of London’ themed items, educational blocks and shapes, stationery and construction toys, glockenspiels, phonics books and coronation bookmarks.

Juniors – Library and classroom books, coronation bookmarks, outdoor table football, mental health resources, author visit, interactive planetarium experience, year 6 leavers books, concertina room dividers for hall, development of outdoor tarmac space and iPads.

We wish all of the year 6 children moving onto Senior School all the best.

We hope everyone has a wonderful summer and we look forward to seeing you in September for more fundraising fun!

Dates for your Diary:

The quiz night returns in October with an added 'Play your cards right' game as well as the usual 4 picture rounds, music round, connection round and much more!

The Christmas Fair is back at the very end of November. Please pop this date in your diary.

SEND Updates

Seventh edition SEND newsletter (1) (1).pdf
GEMs - Virtual Eating and food - Flyer - 08072024.pdf

Other Useful Information For Parents 

Maidenhead Intros.pdf
Safe Project Flyer (2).pdf