Furze Platt Juniors 2023-24 Newsletter 

Newsletter 20th October 2023

Half term already!

Wow!  It is incredible that we have already reached half term!  It has flown by in a flash yet there has been a lot of hard work going on at FPJS. The children have been brilliant to work with: this term we have introduced "book bingo" where myself and Mrs Barbosa, our Assistant Head have had weekly meetings with a representative of each class where we have celebrated the wonderful work they have completed and discussed their learning. I have been mightily impressed with their enthusiasm and passion for all of the learning they have achieved so far.  Hopefully, you as parents felt the same way when you looked through their books during our recent parents consultations evenings!  This of course is in part due to the dedication and passion of our teachers who have been busy this term planning such exciting lessons across the curriculum.  Our vision of "to be the best we can be" really does apply to everyone at FPJS and we are constantly looking at ways to ensure our lessons are purposeful and exciting!  

If you didn't get a chance to complete our parent survey regarding thoughts about potential workshops that we could run so support parents, please complete by 28th October:  https://forms.gle/d2xkJibge8rnC4sQA .

I hope everyone has a wonderful half-term break.  Enjoy the sunshine (yes- it will be sunny fingers crossed!), make the most of making memories with your childen and encouraging them to read lots too!

Anna Clark

Head of School

Quick Links

Diary Dates:

School Council Reps for 23-24

Well done to the following children for being voted by their class to be the School Council Rep for this year.  The children have already met as a group with Mrs Sweatman (who leads the school council) to discuss what actions they might take this year to make the school be the best it can be!

Eco Warriors for 23-24

Well done to the following children for being voted by their class to be the Eco Warriors for this year. We hope to be working towards our Green Flag for schools award. 

Our next project is going to be taking part in the "Cut Your Carbon" campaign. Cut Your Carbon is a national schools campaign, delivered by the country’s largest environmental schools programme, Eco-Schools.
This will take place for the whole of November and we will be actively trying to cut down our electric and heating usage across the school. The children have also had an assembly about this. 
What can you do at home? We can all act on climate change, by raising awareness and making everyday changes that can have a huge cumulative impact. It is estimated that, through consumption and meeting this demand, households are responsible for 72% of global greenhouse gas emissions – so changing household behaviours can make a significant contribution towards achieving this 1.5°C goal. You could be monitoring your heating usage, walking or cycling to nearby places instead of driving and reducing emissions created by producing and distributing red meat and dairy by changing up your meal plans.
We will let you know how we are getting on in the next newsletter. 

Mrs Dean - Eco Warrior Lead

Harvest Goodness- Thank you!

Thank you to all children and parents who kindly donated to Foodshare last week as part of our celebration of Harvest.  It was wonderful to see a huge mountain of food donated which will no doubt make a difference to families who need a bit of extra support within our local area.  Our Harvest assembly was also a wonderful event, led by Wayne Dixon of the charity Christian Connections In Schools.  Our children sang our song "Thank your lucky stars" with enthusiasm, and it reminded us all to be grateful for the food we have to eat.

Scholastic Book Fair- Thank you!

Well done to everyone who supported the book fair last week by buying a book or two!  All of your efforts are really appreciated with this- it does make such a difference to our ability to fund new books and sets of books for classrooms and the library.  We had a mammoth £1639.94 worth of sales which gives us a fantastic £983.96 to spend on books. Thanks particularly to Mrs Frost and Mrs Wratten for setting up and organising the fair as well as all staff who supported the selling of this!  The class who had the most orders was Wren class! This meant they were lucky enough to choose £25 worth of books to add to their class shelves!  Well done everyone!

Stars of the week - Class Stars & PE Stars

In pictures...

Well done to the after school Sewing group for their beautiful pumpkin creations they have been working on diligently this term!

Star of the week Newsletter 2: 20th October

Well done to all our stars over the last few weeks:

Our stars are chosen from following the values of the school:  Passion, Well-being and respect.

We also chose children who have made exceptional effort in their work or attitude to learning.

Top Ten Progress in TT Rock stars

TT Rock stars- Top Ten & Top Ten progress children this term

Well done to all our children who use TT rock stars regularly to practise times tables!   In this edition we have an updated top ten and the top ten children who have made the most progress this term.

Spelling Shed- Top Ten

Well done to our top ten spelling pupils this week!

Sports Update

PE News!

Just a quick update to say a massive 'Well Done' to everyone for their continued excellent participation in PE this term.

On Wednesday 18th October, Miss Gill took 2 teams to the annual Cross-Country competition at Altwood School. Everyone who competed did extremely well, with many of our young athletes finishing in the top 4 of each age group race.

 We are pleased to announce as a team we finished 2nd overall in this competition. Please see below for our medal winners.

It has been a busy term with the whole school improving their Football and Netball skills in PE. We will be continuing with Netball for a few weeks after half term, then moving on to Basketball and Gymnastics.

As it begins to get colder, could we please remind parents to ensure their children have plenty of layers for PE. We will continue to run many of our sessions outside for as long as we can.  Please can we also remind parents to ensure all PE clothing is clearly named.

Have a super half term break!

Mrs Winter & Miss Gill

Netball Update!

The Netball squad have played 4 extremely competitive games this half term.

We started with a win against Braywick Court, followed by a loss to Courthouse and Holyport. We have finished this term with a super win over Riverside this Thursday.

We have been so impressed with the squad's continued improvement which was recognised by their win today! Their commitment both in training and matches has been excellent. Keep it up!

Well done to everyone!

We look forward to our next match...

Mrs Winter & Miss Gill

Cross Country 

The Cross Country competition was held on Wednesday 18th October at Altwood School for year 4/5/6. It was a fantastic opportunity for the 12 students that attended the competition. They all ran 1km around the field. Everyone was really good with their sportsmanship, cheering their team mates on and helping them when needed! We took an A team and a B team: year 4’s Megan, Cleo, Fred and Cameron. Year 5’s, Bea, Lucy, Aiden, Jack. year 6’s Kitty, Elise, Albert and Aidan. 

We all did massively well: Megan came 1st in her race followed by Cleo coming in 2nd. Fred came 2nd in his race. Bea came 1st in her race followed by Lucy coming in 2nd and Jack coming in 3rd on his race. Elise came 2nd in her race. 

Overall out of all the schools our B team came 3rd and our A team came 2nd! They all got medals for where they were placed 1st 2nd and 3rd and from coming in 3rd and 2nd they all got a medal for their team.  Well done everyone who participated!

Miss Gill 

Tag Rugby @ Desborough College 6/10/23

The Rugby World Cup is currently underway in France, with the men’s teams in the world battling it out to become world champions. The tag rugby festival, held on Friday 6th October at Desborough College to help celebrate this, was a fantastic opportunity for 18 of our year 6 pupils to play in a Tag Rugby Festival and hopefully inspire them. The festival values of sportsmanship, leadership, kindness and respect were played out in 5 exhausting matches for each of our 2 teams. We won most of the matches and drew the rest. Players were: Katie, Bailee, Inaaya, Immy, Lily, Ella, Henry, Danny, Aidan, Alfie, Leo, Tawana, Nate, Albert, Max, Raihan, Samuel and Andre. The teams were a complete mix of those who currently play rugby, and those who have never played it. Teamwork and skills were brilliant with many players showing great development throughout and a much feeling of achievement for all. Some pupils were even converted to rugby! 

A ‘Most Valuable Player’ award, based on who showed all the festival values the most across the afternoon in each team, was awarded to Danny (A team) and Albert (B team). 

It was also lovely to see such grown up and responsible past pupils Stanley (as referee), and Gabe and Farhaan as sports leaders!  

Mrs Tisshaw and Miss Gill        

Magpies Football lunchtimes

We will be continuing to run daily lunchtime football sessions, with the Maidenhead Magpies after term.  However, as the field is becoming rather muddy, children will only be able to play on the field if:

- Children bring a complete change of clothes for the session (this should NOT be the PE kit- and on PE days they will still be expected to change)

- Children wear football boots and NOT trainers.

- Children wear shin pads (we do have a number of shin pads to borrow within school)

- Children bring a suitable bag to keep muddy trainers in

- Girls are always welcome to play football too and the Maidenhead Magpies will ensure that there are opportunities for girls-only pitches when there is enough demand.

If your child does not have football boots and would like to play, please do get in touch and we will see if we can assist in any way.

Year Group Updates

Year 3 News

We have had another fabulous week in Year 3 and the children have enjoyed earning their treat of a movie and popcorn this week. 

In maths the children have been adding and subtracting across 1's and 10's. They have been recording these using hundreds, tens and ones charts with base 10 and place value manipulatives. 

In English we have been looking at the 'Sound Collector' poem. The children have been focusing on rhyming words as well as nouns and verbs and recording their own versions of the poem. 

In Science we have been experimenting with friction and the children have been predicting what surfaces will have the least and most friction before testing this. 

In French we have been learning colours and numbers - the children then enjoyed using this knowledge to complete a paint by numbers activity. 

What a fantastic first term we have had with all of the children. We are so proud of how well they have settled and how hard they have worked this term. Well done! 

Mrs Barry- Y3 Team Leader

Year 3- What are we learning?

Ask your child the following questions to see what they have learnt over the last few weeks!:

What are the colours red, blue and purple in French?

What words ryhme with cat, cake and lock

What is friction? 

Our current reads we are enjoying in Y3...

The boy who grew dragons - Andy Shepherd

24 hours in the stone age - Lan Cook

The worst witch - Jill Murphy 

Year 4 News

How the half term has flown by! All of the year 4 teachers are incredibly proud of the passion, determination and effort put in by all of the children so far this year and we are eagerly looking forward to what the following term will bring...besides the cold weather!

In English, the children have just finished creating some fantastic suspense stories related to the 'Dream Giver' animation. They have specifically focused on what makes a good build up, using features across their writing such as onomatopoeia, hidden dangers, show not tell and fronted adverbials. Look out on Seesaw for their published pieces!

Within Maths, the children have been working hard to secure their knowledge on addition and subtraction these past few weeks and have enjoyed using practical resources to observe the process of crossing 10 and exchanging. We are looking forward to the coming weeks as we move onto the next two operations- multiplication and division- we really do have some Mathematicians in this year group.

Finally, within Art, the clay pots the children spent that last few weeks designing and making, have been glazed and had their final round in the kiln. See some photos of the process and the end result here. I am sure the children are really looking forward to bringing them home in the coming weeks. 

We hope you have a restful but proactive half term break- remember, 'Aim for the moon. If you miss, you may hit a star!'

Miss Keating-Bell  Y4 Team Leader

Year 4- What are we learning?

Ask your child the following questions to see what they have learnt over the last few weeks:

Our current reads we are enjoying in Y4..

Rainbow Grey

Laura Ellen Anderson 

Race to the Frozen North- The Matthew Henson Story 

Catherine Johnson 

Apes To Zebras- An A-Z of Shape Poems

Liz Brownlee et al.

Year 5 News

Well done Year 5 for completing your first half term. It has been great to see you all settle so maturely into your classes with your peers and teachers. Well done!

We had a great time at Longridge on our trip 2 weeks ago and we were amazed at how many children faced their fears of heights, had a go at new things and set themselves goals which they accomplished with ease. The children really showed great tenacity which we hope will transfer into the classroom. 

In writing, we have been busily writing, editing and publishing our scary stories with a focus on mood and atmosphere. The teachers have been impressed with how the children have lulled us in to a false sense of security and created suspense. I hope you had a chance to read your child's work at parents evening. We have come to the end of reading Asha and the Spirit Bird in our reading lessons and the children have really enjoyed it.

Written methods in addition and subtraction were covered over the last two weeks and the children have a good understanding with larger numbers. We have also been busy solving maths problems using these methods. 

We hope all of our families have a wonderful half term and we look forward to the next term.

Mrs Dean, Y5 Team Leader

Year 5- What are we learning?

Ask your child the following questions to see what they have learnt over the last few weeks:

Our current reads we are enjoying in Y5...

Katherine Johnson - A life Story by Leila Rasheed

Dr Maggie's Grand Tour of the Solar System by Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock

The Green Planet - Leisa Stewart-Sharpe 

Year 6 News

It seems like yesterday that it was our first day in Year 6 and now here we are having completed our first half term! We have covered so much in such a short space of time and as a year group we have seen some brilliant teamwork, independence and resilience. 

We have completed our first class book 'When the Sky Falls' which linked with our History topic WW2. This book has had many twists and turns, highs and lows but has been thoroughly enjoyed across the year group. 

In maths, we have been looking at a range of written division strategies: short division, long division and division with factors (some were favoured more than others!).

In English, we have finished our writing unit on Holes where we have been focusing on speech for effect. We have turned this piece of writing into an audio chapter book which is accessible on seesaw. 

In computing we have been exploring learning how to add variables to code. The children have built codes to create compassess and number counters!

Have a wonderful half term Y6- not long to go until Rhos-y-Gwaliau!

Miss Morales, Y6 Team Leader

Year 6- What are we learning?

Ask your child the following questions to see what they have learnt over the last few weeks!:

Our current reads we are enjoying in Y6...

Everything WW2

National Geographic


David Almond

When the Sky Falls

Phil Earle 

FPSA Updates

The Early Years Tea Party was back on Saturday 30th September for families that had a child starting the Infants recently. The weather was kind meaning that people could mingle outside in the courtyard and play area as well as inside the hall where there was a pop-up play village. The FPSA would like to thank all of the kind parents who baked some cakes for the event which has raised £320 for the school.

The FPSA Quiz Night was back last Friday as 21 teams (comprising 118 people) packed in the Juniors hall for another night of fun. The mystery round turned out to involve tasting 10 different flavours of crisps and trying to identify what they were from 15 possible options. 2 teams managed to get full marks on this particular round!

The evening finished with a live performance of Irene Cara's 1980 smash hit 'Fame' with several members of the quiz joining in the entertainment.

Congratulations go to 'Quizy McQuizface the second' who won the quiz (with 132.5 points), runners up were 'Stab in the dark' and 'Guess who's back' (featuring none other than Furze Platt Primary Federation's Chair of Governors Louise Axford) came in 3rd place taking home the Kellogg's variety pack.

The best team name went to 'Put a wet paper towel on it' and the Infants TAs team narrowly beat the Infants teachers team at Family Fortunes.

A huge thank you to everyone who supported the event and the FPSA would particularly like to thank Roberto and the team at Palmieri's for providing us with the lovely food. The quiz will return in March 2024!

Dates for your diary:

Bring your bags with filled unwanted clean clothes to help raise money for both schools. Bags can be left outside the Infants main gates between 08.00 and 09.00.

Our 2nd biggest fundraiser of the year is back. Spread across both schools, there is fun for all the family including Tombolas, Secrets Room, Raffle & Silent Auction and much more!

Look out soon for details of how you can support the fair by having an estate agent board outside your house 2 weeks before the fair date - this collaboration with Oakwood Estates helped us raise £500 at this year's summer fair.

It's time for the Juniors to get down and boogie!

SEND Updates

3906 W&M parent carer workshop 10 Oct 23 (1).pdf
FPPF SEND group poster.pdf

Other Useful Information For Parents 

Goalie Football Flyer.pdf

Maidenhead's Big Read- Newsletter

You can find out the latest news on Maidenhead's Big Read here:


Berkshire Music Trust School Parent Newsletter October 2023.pdf
Holiday Camp Flyer.pdf