Furze Platt Infant School

Newsletter - 9th February 2024

 Half term is here!

After a busy first half to the Spring Term, we have had lots to celebrate and be proud of at FPIS. We seem to have packed an awful lot into the past five or so weeks, with Busy Learning Afternoons for all year groups as well as lots of events and visitors in school too. 

A particular highlight was yesterday, when Beech Class gave an incredible performance at the Ascot and Maidenhead School Sports Partership Dance Festival, held at Braywick Leisure Centre. It was wonderful to see the joy and enthusiasm on the children's faces as they performed their routine to a packed auditorium. Our congratulations to the children for such a beautiful dance - and a very big thank you to Mrs Connell, Miss Pocock, Mrs Rashid and Mrs Swaffield in particular for all their hard work over the past few weeks and months. Our thanks also to all the parents and families who came along to watch. What an incredible experience for our young children! Well done everyone!

Please read on for more about the Dance Festival and all the other events that have been happening in school recently - we really have been very busy learning indeed!

With the next half term promising to be just as busy, please do keep checking our diary dates and messages sent out via our SchoolApp.

Have a restful, happy and safe half term break. We look forward to welcoming our children back to school on Monday 19th February.

With very best wishes

Jane Indge

Head of School

Quick Links

Diary dates - coming up soon!

Here is a look at what's going to be happening in school during the next few weeks...

Friday 9th February - Term ends

Friday 9th February - FPSA Adult Disco: 8pm - 11pm

Monday 12th - Friday 16th February - Half term holiday (school closed)

Monday 19th February - Term starts

Tuesday 20th February - Early Years Mastering Number Parent Workshop: 2:00 - 3:00 pm

Thursday 22nd February - Early Years Mastering Number Parent Workshop: 2:00 - 3:00 pm

Friday 8th March - World Book Day

Monday 11th March - Parents' Evening booking system opens @ 8:00 am

Friday 15th March - Red Nose Day for Comic Relief

Friday 15th March - Parents' Evening bookings close @ 4:00 pm

Monday 18th March - Parents' Evening: 3:40 - 7:00 pm

Wednesday 20th March - Parents' Evening: 3:40 - 7:00 pm

Friday 22nd March - FPSA Happy School Bags Collection

Friday 22nd March - FPSA Quiz Night @ 8:00 pm

Tuesday 26th March - Jump Start Jonny visit! 

Wednesday 27th March - FPSA AGM: 7:45 - 9:00 pm

Thursday 28th March - Year 1 Marketplace event @ 9:15 am

Thursday 28th March - Term ends

Moments Matter, Attendance Counts

The DfE have recently launched a campaign to raise awareness of the importance of school attendance, to highlight the benefits beyond just attainment, such as friendships and wellbeing.  

The campaign is targeted at preventable odd days of absence – or “avoidable absence” linked to coughs and colds and mild anxiety.  

It’s not aimed at parents of children who face greater barriers to attendance, such as pupils with long term medical conditions or special educational needs and disabilities. 

"From the first day of term to the last, the small moments in a school day make a real difference to your child." #AttendanceCounts 

The link between attendance and attainment is clear: 

• In 2018/19, just 40% of persistently absent (PA) children in KS2 achieved expected KS2 standards, compared with 84% of pupils who were regular attenders. 

But attendance is important for more than just attainment: 

• Regular school attendance can facilitate positive peer relationships, which is a protective factor for mental health and wellbeing.

Further guidance:

How to improve your child’s school attendance and where to get support  https://educationhub.blog.gov.uk/2024/01/03/improving-school-attendance/

NHS Is my child too ill for school? https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/is-my-child-too-ill-for-school/

School Attendance

 SAM - our School Attendance Mascot, is our FPIS teddy bear who helps our children think about why it is so important to attend school every day. 

Our children are busy learning right from the start of the day, so being in class on time each morning matters just as much too. Registration begins at 8:50am and we expect all children to be in class by 9:00am. 

Each week, during our Celebration Assembly, the attendance figures are shared. The class with the best attendance overall gets to look after SAM until the following week. 

This week, SAM will be spending time in Dragonfly Class as they had the best attendance overall with an incredible 99.4%. Well done!

Our latest school attendance figures for each class are shown in the table. Our school attendance target is: 97%

You can read our full Attendance Policy here.

Dragonfly 99.4%

Silver Birch 99.0%

Hazel 98.7%

Holly 98.6%

Oak 97.3%

Caterpillar 95.0%

Bumblebee 94.7%

Willow 94.0%

Beech 90.0%

Dance Festival 2024

Beech Class provide a 'Splash of Colour'

The theme for this years Dance Festival was a 'Splash of Colour' and Beech certainly provided a wonderfully colourful performance! Performing to Disney's Moana song 'How Far I'll Go', the children performed a dance inspired by the artwork of Laurie Hastings (linked to their curriculum Sticky Knowledge). 

They were absolutely brilliant and represented our school beautifully! Well done to all the children and staff in Beech Class for working so hard to create such a wonderful performance. You made the whole audience smile! :-)

FPIS is an Early Excellence Partner School!

As a school we are delighted to be recognised by Early Excellence as a Partner School for 2023/24, to host events and share good practice in our local area.

Early Excellence are a highly regarded organisation that promote inspirational learning, offering school improvement and bespoke consultancy as well as educational resource solutions focused on early primary EYFS and KS1.  

Our first event for Early Years Practitioners and Teachers is on Wednesday 1st May. Click here for further information.

FPIS SEND Signpost

FPPF Well-Being Warriors

Our two schools have combined together to create a team of Well-Being Warriors with the aim to focus on well-being for the children, staff and our families.

The staff team has representatives from different roles across the schools - Mrs Barker, Mrs Singh, Mr Wallace, Mrs B and Mr Lutteman (FPJS) and they are joined by five year 6 pupils who have recently completed Royal borough of Windsor and Maidenhead Well-Being Champions training.

We will be sharing our plans in newsletters but we wanted to let you know a few of our upcoming events and ideas aimed at supporting our children’s’ Mental Health and Well-Being.

Firstly, we will be organising a special day during National Children’s Mental Week (5th-11th February) for the children to take part in sessions such as Mindfulness and Yoga. The theme this year is ‘My Voice Matters’ and assemblies and sessions will be focused on this theme. More information to follow.

We will also be launching our new FPPF Well-Being Challenges, based around the main six pillars of well-being; Take Notice, Give, Learn, Active, Care and Connect. More information will follow on how you and your child can take part in challenges through the year to not only gain rewards in school but also help support each and everyone’s well-being.

For families, we want to draw your attention to our websites where we have some information that may be of use to you. We will be adding to this as the year progresses so please do send in any links or information that you feel may be useful to other families.

Finally, please do remember that there is always someone here if you need to talk to someone or need someone’s help. Mrs B, our Family Support worker, is always happy to meet with families to help them through challenges in their lives, especially at this time of year. The festive season can be difficult for some families so please do seek support if you need it.

NSPCC Number Day 2024 - Dress up for Digits!

We had a day filled with even more Marvellous Maths than usual last Friday to show our support for NSPCC Number Day 2024. Everyone looked great in their number-related outfits and together our school community managed to smash our target and raise an impressive £333!

Thank you to all those who were able to donate towards this very worthy cause :)

Safer Internet Day 2024

We were delighted to welcome Paul Hay to our school once again this week. The day started with a Key Stage 1 assembly where we watched an informative cartoon which helped us think carefully about our four Top Tips (see poster below). 

Paul then visited each Year 1 and 2 classroom. We discussed our favourite online games and then thought carefully about how to keep ourselves safe.

In the afternoon Paul visited our Early Years classrooms to share a story with the children about how to keep safe online. They learnt about Smartie the Penguin and Paul taught them a catchy song to support their learning. Many of the children then created their own 'Top Tips' posters.

4 Top Tips Poster.pdf

Children's Mental Health Week

We have been thinking about the theme this year: 'Our Voice Matters'. We discussed different ways that we could share our voice and why everyone's voice is so important. We also thought about how we could show respect and listen to others too. We thought about different ways that we could look after our mental health and thought about nature being all around us! We decided nature would be a great tool to help us. We went outside and discussed how nature can help us to feel calm and happy which helps to look after our mental health. We decided to take part in the RSPB Big School's Birdwatch. What a great way to help nature and our mental health!

Our World Book Day Wish List is back!

Information about World Book Day 2024 has been sent out today, along with your child's £1 WBD Token, valid from Thursday 15th February – Sunday 31st March 2024. 

In advance of our WBD celebrations in school on Friday 8th March, we have updated our Amazon wish list with books for our school library – in particular those that link to our projects in school. You can access our Amazon wish list via the link below:


Alternatively, If you would prefer to make a contribution of £1 or more rather than purchasing a book from our wish list, you can do this via Scopay (as per school meal orders.) Please login to your account, then select: Optional Trips and Events - World Book Day March 24 to make a donation. 

Thank you!

Let's get ready for Jump Start Jonny!

As you know, it’s not long now before Jump Start Jonny visits our school on 26th March. To help us all prepare for this exciting event, JSJ has created a special webpage with videos on so that our children can practice their moves at home before the big day!


Please use the link below! WHOOOPA!


Tour Videos 2023-24 – Jump Start Jonny Is Going On Tour!

Early Years

Our Bumblebee, Caterpillar and Dragonfly children have been busy continuing with their project 'All About Animals'. They have been finding out lots of information and facts about animals through our non-fiction animal books. The children have been sorting books into fiction and non-fiction and discussing the differences between the two. They have absolutely loved creating a 'What am I?' guessing sheet about one of their favourite animals. The children challenged their friends to guess what their animal could be using their descriptive clues about the animals characteristics!

Early Years have been taking part in the Big Garden Birdwatch. They designed their very own binoculars to help them focus on the birds that they could see in the woodlands and used i-pads to take photos of the birds, inspired by our own wildlife photographer Mr Vogel. Following this, the children created some detailed drawings and paintings of some of the birds that they saw. After looking at Mr Vogel's photography of wildlife, the children were extremely keen to show him their pictures/paintings of birds - he was very impressed with their artistic and photography skills! 

This week our Bumblebees, Caterpillars and Dragonflies have been busy celebrating and learning about Chinese/Lunar New Year. They were interested to learn the story of the Chinese Zodiac and made lots of links to our previous learning about animals and celebrations. This year is the year of the Dragon so the children were extra excited to make some colourful dragons creations, as well as good luck messages and exploring noodles and rice! They have been challenging themselves and practising hard to use chopsticks, developing their fine motor and hand eye coordination skills.  The children learnt how to say Gong Hei Fat Choy and sang the song together. 

Early Years Busy Learning Afternoon

Our Early Years children were very excited to welcome their grown up's in for our Maths Busy Learning afternoon!  Following a maths workshop our parents and carers were able to join their children in the classroom. Miss Hare challenged them to help their children to create five puppets to support mathematical learning at home. All children and parents were working together, talking about how many they needed to make and using mathematical language such as more and less. It was fantastic to also hear the children teaching their parents how to sing the rhymes! 

During the session we were also able to share our upcoming Mastering Number at Home Parent Project that is taking place after half term. Please do sign up to a session if you are able to.

Year 1

We have been busy learning about the artist Laurie Hastings and how she uses different types of lines to create her sea inspired art work.  We have designed our own seascapes and have learnt how to copy our designs onto styrafoam.  We have used the styrafoam as a template in order to make a print of our original design.  It was a real 'WOW!' moment when our prints were revealed for the first time.  We are very proud of our final results!

As musicians we have experimented with the sounds that different untuned instruments make in order to create our own soundscape based on an emergency theme from a picture.  We then used adjectives to describe what was happening in the picture. 

The donated junk boxes have been put to excellent use, transforming them into different kinds of emergency vehicles!  Following on from our Sticky Knowledge about axles and wheels we have now created moveable vehicles.  We spent time adding details to make them realistic as well as evaluating the finished vehicle.

In maths we have been learning how to write the numbers 11-20 in words.  We have also worked hard on understanding the difference between volume and capacity.  We have been investigating this by using different units such as paperclips, scrunched up paper, cubes and water.  This has enabled us to use lots of comparative vocabulary.

Year 1 PCSO Visit

Last week our local PCSO visited Year 1 from Thames Valley Police.  Lorraine talked about the important role of the police in our community and the many different things that they do to help keep us safe.  We were amazed at the many different hats that police officers wear, depending upon the type of duty that they are on.  We had lots of fun trying them on and discovered how different they are!  Lorraine also brought a police van and we were very excited to be given a tour of the van and an opportunity to look inside it.  One child was heard to say, "Best Monday ever!"  This in turn led to some fantastic writing.  Thank you to Lorraine for such an informative morning.   

Year 1 Busy Learning Afternoon

Maths was the focus during our recent Busy Learning afternoon in Year 1.  Following a presentation about our mastery curriculum and what maths looks like in Year 1 many parents and carers took the opportunity to try out some maths activities in the classrooms.  Thank you so much for coming along, the children were very excited to show off their marvellous maths skills!  

Year 2

We have continued to be authors over the last two weeks, writing some exciting dragon stories. We have also been thinking carefully about including descriptive words and phrases such as adjectives, expanded noun phrases and similes.  We also acted out some possible scenarios as part of the planning process and created some art work.

As part of our Inventor Sticky Knowledge we finally put all of our skills and ideas into practice and created our very own dragon stew. We all helped to prepare the ingredients (tomatoes being the trickiest to cut!!), cook and taste the stew. We certainly have some budding chefs!

We finished our focus on warm and cold colours thinking carefully about creating our very own Fire and Ice collages using a range of colours and materials. Some amazing masterpieces were created!

In PE we created our own dragon dance to mark Chinese New Year after watching a video clip of some amazing dragon dancers!  We had lots of fun trying to recreate some of their moves in time to some traditional music. We were lucky enough to be able to use a dragon from China which was kindly donated by Mrs Parkinson. Thank you so much, as it made our dragon dance sessions even more special!

We joined in the annual RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch by observing, identifying and counting the birds that we could see around school.  Our resident expert Mr Vogel joined us to lend a hand in the identification of birds and their different songs.  Afterwards we returned to class to create a bar chart.  Next we will submit our data to the RSPB.

During maths we have been learning about multiplication and division and finding different ways to show our learning.  We have also been looking at doubles and halves and how these are linked to multiplication and division.

We have also been focusing on our music Sticky Knowledge, learning how to play tuned instruments and using our voices expressively. We hope that you have enjoyed watching our musical masterpiece on Seesaw! :-)

Year 2 Busy Learning Afternoon

Thank you so much to everyone who came and supported our Spelling themed Busy Learning Afternoon. It was a great opportunity to introduce you all to our new this academic year, ELS Spelling programme. We hope that you found the breakdown of the spelling rules covered in Year 2 helpful and insightful. The children loved sharing their spelling knowledge with you!

Nurture Group 

In nurture, the children have had a busy couple of weeks. We have been talking about friendships and what qualities makes a good friend. In addition, we have been looking at different things that we do like playing, going to school, cooking, walking near to the sea and crossing roads. We talked about the activities that are safe to do on our own and the ones that need our grown ups to help us. 

As the children have filled up our nurture room treats jar with their good choices, we enjoyed decorating biscuits, making jam or marmite sandwiches and playing board games or Pictionary on the interactive white board.

Eco Team 

We  have been taking part in The Big Garden Birdwatch and recording the number of bird species that we see. In order to take part we all need to spot birds for an hour and submit the  results before the 18th February to rspb.org.uk

So get spotting over half-term!

The leader at the moment is the House Sparrow, followed by The Blue Tit and then The Starling.

We are still collecting batteries and were really pleased that so many of you brought them in after the Christmas period. We now have 179, keep them coming!

During February we are going to be thinking about ways to Cut Carbon. Watch this space!

Awesome achievements!

We love finding out about and celebrating our children's achievements outside of school!

If your child has an achievement that they are very proud of and would like to share with us all, they will get the opportunity to do so during our Celebration Assembly on a Friday. 

Isabelle received Star of the Week at gymnastics for doing straight cartwheels. What a star!

Deekshana has been very brave and sung in a group and on her own at the UK Arts & Cultural Festival. She recieved a medal and certificate for her hard work.

Benjamin has been working hard on his football skills in football club as well as doing some excellent listening!  We are very proud of you!

Martha shared two certificates. One was for her fantastic handstands and the other for great listening. Great work Martha!

Shreya was excited to share her certificate and orange belt that she was awarded for her Karate grading. Well done Shreya! 

Congratulations to Zachary who was awarded his yellow belt for his kickboxing grading. He has been working hard to do some super kicks!  

Oleksii received his football medal for listening carefully to the instructions during football club.  Well done Oleksii we are very proud of you!

Congratulations to Freya for swimming 5 metres!  Well done Freya we are very proud of you!

Hannah was very pleased with her half marathon wrist band that she achieved from parkrun!  Well done Hannah!

Theo received a level 3 certificate for his brilliant swimming. He is very brave and can jump in and put his head under the water. Well done Theo!

Well done to Bryony who is proudly sharing a drama badge she received for attending drama school for 2 years! "I really enjoy it, it's lots of fun!"

Oleksii has been impressing the football coaches by working hard on his football skills.  Congratulations Oleksii!

Roman was super excited to share his football trophy. He was awarded it for being a great team player and for scoring 5 goals!

Well done to Sophie for receiving a certificate in swimming. Sophie has been working extremely hard and swam 20m!

Congratulations to Ethan who has attended PQA drama school for 2 years. He has bravely acted in two plays and loves being an actor!

Well done to Jessica who is proudly sharing her gymnastics certificate. "I got this for doing backwards walkovers." Great job, we are super proud of you! 

House Points

Draco win the House Team Cup!

Draco house team were celebrating today as they have been awarded the most house points during this half term - an impressive 430!

Well done everyone - a super team effort! :)

Head of School Awards

Every Friday, during our whole school Celebration Assembly, Head of School awards are given out to a child or children in each class. The certificates are presented by Mrs Indge to those children who have consistently demonstrated excellent behaviours for learning.

Head of School Awards 9th February 2024.pdf

SuperPoWeR Awards

Miss Dexter pops on her Superhero cape each week during Celebration Assembly to present our SuperPoWeR awards. The awards are given to children who have been demonstrating excellent behaviour through our school values of Passion, Well being and Respect. 

FPSA update

Foreign Currency Collection

Collection buckets for your unwanted currency (notes and coins) are still in both school receptions until after February half term and you can make donations at any time during that period.

Dates for your diary

Bring your bags filled with unwanted clean clothes to help raise funds for both schools. You can leave bags at the Infants gates between 8.30am and 9am.

The FPSA quiz night is back! Join us at the Junior School hall for a fun evening as we raise money for both schools whilst testing our general knowledge and having a drink or two. The quiz includes 4 picture rounds, a music round, a connections round and another mystery round. Book tickets at www.pta-events.co.uk/fpsa. Enter as a full team of 6 or come along as an individual/pair and we will join you with another friendly team on the night. Tickets include lovely food from Palmieri's. A licensed bar will be available.

Oakwood Estates (Queen Street, Maidenhead) are kindly sponsoring our next quiz night in March in the same way they sponsored our summer and Christmas fairs in 2023. You can help raise £500 for both schools simply be having a board outside your house advertising the quiz night. It doesn't matter if you are going to the quiz night or not. Simply click on the link below and fill in your details:


Come and find out about our fundraising in 2023, hear from the school heads about what they have spent FPSA money on and what is on their wish list for 2024. Everyone is welcome.  We would love to have new members join the team so this is a perfect opportunity to meet us, find out more and hopefully join the FPSA!

Fun for all the family at our biggest fund-raising event of the year.

Useful Information for Parents and Families

Springbucks Gymnastics Feb & Easter Camp 2024.pdf

Saturday Rainbows with Girlguiding Maidenhead has space for your daughter

Rainbows - a fun and exciting programme for girls aged four to seven, it is all about developing self-confidence, building friendships, learning new things and having fun. Girls get their hands dirty with arts and crafts, get in touch with nature and play games - it's all about learning by doing.  Rainbows follow a diverse and engaging programme and take part in lots of different activities with girls their own age.

We run on a Saturday morning from 9:30 to 12:00, every three weeks in term time and look forward to hearing from you.


Find out more: Rainbows (4-7) | Girlguiding

Register now: Register your daughter | Girlguiding


Regards, Angela

Snowy, Sky, Minnie Mouse, Eagle & Sunshine

1st Furze Platt Rainbows Leadership Team
07484 701507 

Forest Fun Mothers Day.pdf
poster 2.pdf